Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Well said

ETA: Nevermind... Ugly Cowboy pretty much said it
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I had a kid come over today and he said is that chickens or ducks in the pond
. I thought of this thread as soon as he said it.
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Grandpa: I'm going hunting, kay?
Grandma: Could i come with you?
Grandpa: Sure, it might be cold though
Grandma: Oh that's ok, i'll stay in the car
Grandpa: Er, ok
Grandma: I hope you won't mind if i honk the horn every few seconds.

Me: Grandma, you DID use those eggs i sold you, didn't you? (she looks rather sheepish)
Me: Grandma! it's been two months!
Grandma: But i knew those chickens!
Me: Well, at least you paid for them

and that's coming from the lady who is married to a farmer/hunter and they have had chickens, pigs, cows, and horses all of their life.

Different 94 year old grandma: What happens if you don't have a rooster?
Me: Whadya mean?
94 Grandma: Well, you won't get any eggs

she had chickens for at least thirty years

(we were at my friends house w/ a couple of other friends. We were at the hostesses barn where she kept goats. There was a huge pile of eggs that their chickens laid. The other friends live in the city and didn't know anything about animals. I wasn't there at the time but my sister was and she told me the story.)
Alexis (city-friend) Oh look at those eggs! We probably shouldn't go near them though
Sarah (my sister): Why?
Alexis: Cuz they're their eggs and they're probably protective, so they might attack you
Sarah: Uhh, Alexis? Goats are mammals. They don't lay eggs.

We had all been informed that these goats were boy goats.
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country bumpkins ? country bumpkins? and you have the gall to repremand us??

start your own thread..

I for one am not going to apologize for anything on this thread.. "It is funny, I don't care who you are."

Larry the cable guy says so..

Well, Ok then.

BTW I am a country bumpkin.

Just saying.

Well, I got to say, I didn't know it was a myth that goats ate tin cans. I thought it was true! (although I didn't wonder if it was true that much, however.) But I found out that they didn't when I read this thread!
We just need to respect everybody, and we can do that even if we do laugh at them sometimes. We also need to learn to laugh at ourselves too.
PLEASE do not bicker with each other, for this is a really enjoyable thread, and I (and many others) would hate to see it locked.

OK now you have me thinking about Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie in "The Simple Life".

They were helpless in Arkansas.

Oh my gosh! That would be hilarious!
I love watching my nieces run around the yard with salt shakers!
They honestly believe this is true and love to try to catch birds while I set on the yard swing and laugh.

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