Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Hey now, there may be some Mormons on this site. Don't go insulting another person's religious beliefs just b/c you don't happen to agree with them.

(I am not, nor do I know any Mormons, but-to each his own.)
Hey now, there may be some Mormons on this site. Don't go insulting another person's religious beliefs just b/c you don't happen to agree with them.

(I am not, nor do I know any Mormons, but-to each his own.)

She said "moron" not "Mormon." I don't think that she was insinuating anything against Mormons, just the moron that didn't even know the name of the religion or that the mainstream Mormon church hasn't allowed plural marriages in many years.
Hey now, there may be some Mormons on this site. Don't go insulting another person's religious beliefs just b/c you don't happen to agree with them.

(I am not, nor do I know any Mormons, but-to each his own.)

Actually you sort of do sinc I am one. But the word play got me too.
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For God's sake no one is insulting Mormons! Pete said moron, yes he meant to say Mormon, it was not an insult, it was slip of the tongue! The other comment was meant as a kind of funny sexist remark about men thinking they could handle more than one woman. Don't turn this into something it isn't, this is exactly how garbage gets started.
DH was at work and talking to someone about wanting to get rid of our mean roos when an "older" guy said but don't you need x number of roosters to get eggs. DH said no the hens will lay eggs without roosters and the guy said "oh yeah the roosters make them organic though"

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