Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

I was at an auction a few days ago and overheard someone say free-range chickens are the best. You don't feed them a thing and they grow huge and ready for butcher. Then another guy said he bought a tiny pig and free ranged it to 500 lbs not feeding it at all. I was just thinking oh my gosh! Do they understand free-range at all???? You do have to supplement them with some feed. What is a chicken going to find to eat in the winter with a foot of snow on the ground to eat? It wasn't so funny as it was scary to overhear. They came from a big city 2 hours away to buy them some pets.
Can I play?
I'm a recent Big City Transplant - lived 30+ years a block from Wrigley Field...

The first Summer on my little 5ac farmette I was doing some yardwork when a truck pulled into my drive.
Thinking it was a neighbor I made some small talk with the guy who got out.
When I told him I was a widow - he didn't miss a beat, but said to me:
"You can't live here alone!"
I asked if he lived nearby, he said No, got back in his truck and drove away.
Now, 5 years later I wish he'd stop by again so he could see I CAN & DO!

Back to the Subject:
A friend from the City is always asking me how my horses can live on "just grass". He is amazed something so large just grazes.
LOL I have a mare that can gain 10 lbs on a blade of grass.
No, not really that much but she is a very easy keeper.

I also got the question why do I bother dying some of my eggs green when it is not Easter. LOL I had to try and explain the hen lays a green egg naturally just like some hens lay brown or white eggs naturally.
I just remembered something someone once said to me. I was arguing the point of enjoying a nice steak and cut of pork, and this well educated city slicker yuppy guy to get his last word in says "If we were supposed to eat me God would have told us to!"


Apparently he cant read.
(CAVEAT: I am a city girl. I was raised in a city of 200K people and still live there. The most exotic pet we ever had was a hyperactive border collie. I'm in my 30s & got chickens last year.)

Today I stopped in on a friend/co-worker to see how her chicks, some of which are from the same batch as mine are doing. Her 4 babies are 5-6 weeks old and she was saying how frustrated she was that they can't go outside.

Her: There’s so much dust and they stink so bad but I can’t let them outside yet. I’m so sick of it!
Me: Wha… HUH?
Her: The chicken raising class said you couldn’t let them outside until they’re 16 weeks old, and not to give them medicated feed against that cocci thing.
Me: (muttering) Stupid class for city-clickers. Go get some medicated chick feed & let them go outside! There’s no reason to keep them inside until they’re 4 months old.

She just about hugged me. I told her that if her chicks did get cocci, I’ve got the meds to treat it.
One boy said to another boy "Look, that duck is killing the other duck!" when they were mating.

A stupid neighbor thought you could let one day old ducklings could run around loose and "eat what it finds off the land"..... a hawk would eat them in less than 5 minutes. Really, I'd like to know what goes through some people's minds.
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My daughter in law has issues like that. She is a tiny little thing. She is 24 years old, but she could pass for 15.

My DD loves being tiny. She got into all major themeparks for free until she was almost six.
My friend was up at Mount Evans and there were some Big Horn sheep. Giant, white, fluffy, big round buglie-like horns curved back towards their backs. So what do they hear? A mom goes to her 5 year old kid, "Look at the ELK honey!!"

*smacks forhead*

to make it worse, you can't go ten steps without seeing a sign depicting all our colorado wildlife...

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