Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

that is hilarious. and a teenager said this?!!
I was looking at some chicks at a flea market Saturday and overheard a customer telling the seller that she wanted a rooster. She then went on to ask which one crows, roosters or hens, and if all roosters were males. I always assumed everyone here in Southern Alabama knew the answer to those questions!

She did buy a rooster chick. I really hated to see it go home with her because she was clueless!
I have some double cousins, myself. People always thought one of them was my little sister because we favored each other so much. I hate trying to explain it to people because they automatically think, "Yeah, I knew all those people in Alabama were inbred." It is not inbreeding when the couples who get married are not blood related to their actual spouse.
Sadly enough, I have a family member who still believes this
I am a beekeeper and I get staments/ questions like this ALL the time::

Are you the lady who makes honey??
Do your bees sting? I reply "only once"

I was a garden club speaker, telling them about my bees, how important bees were to all man kind, when one very well dressed woman of about 60 asked, " I spray the bees with Raid ,will that hurt them"!"
Okay... It's time to turn the tables. Here's an embarrassing admission of a dumb country girl.

Shortly after DH and I moved to this house I was outside and saw a loose parrot on my picnic table. He was pretty tame so I thought someone may have lost him. I gave him some lettuce (is that what parrots eat?) and put a plastic laundry basket over him (the kind with slots so he could see out and I could see him).

By the time my DH came home I had named him Charlie and decided that if we couldn't find his owner I'd like to keep him. When DH got home he informed me that Charlie was a pigeon. We later found out that our neighbor raised homing pigeons!

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