Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Egad! Do the poor bees have a chance with folks like that around???

me&thegals, excitedly awaiting my first 6# of bees this week
OMG! How do you squeeze into that little entrance of the hive to make that honey?

No Raid will not hurt the bees anymore than it will hurt you to be ran over by a fast moving chevy...
This is always one stupid city moment I remember...

When I lived in Knoxville, TN, the kids called "playing hookie" from school, "layin' out".

When I moved to Richmond, VA during my Junior year of high school I remember talking to a store cashier as she was ringing up my soda... it was a beautiful and sunny mid-winter day and I told her that it was perfect for layin' out. She gave me the strangest look - as if I had lost my mind.

I walked out wondering what I had said wrong and by the time I got to my car it dawned on me what she thought I meant.
I just wanted to say- sure we can live on them (I do) but have you ever tried running on one? Especially w/ sharp rocks and right after winter when your feet are still soft..

think the funniest things are having arguements about roosters actually being chickens (apparently they're not?) and that I don't live where I do because They can't see it from the road.
"There're six houses back there."
"No there's not. there's only 2."
"Then why do we each have 3 mailboxes??"
Some people... No I have no CLUE were I live, Please Feel Free to tell me. Make it a mansion.

The nerve of you to think you know where you live! I have never heard of such nonsense!

I have the same problem with my address. My mother called me from UPS and one day and said "Lady they say your address does not exist can you confirm it for me" So I repeated it to her and she handed her phone to the UPS clerk who said "That address does not exist" I said

"Then please go tell the mortgage company and the electric company that I am paying someone else's bill"

My mom used to get UPS packages that had maps drawn on the boxes so the driver could find our house. They actually found the house though, dirt (gravel) road and all....

Funny thing is, I live smack dab in the middle of the city now. On a numbered street, you know, first, second, third, hmmm FIFTH street??? But no one can find my address. Fed Ex has delivered things to the neighbor across the street, to some guy in a red truck who brought my package over from who knows where, and UPS can't find it, and I had a countertop delivered from Ikea from some shipping company who called to confirm my address two times and STILL got it wrong on the invoice and the driver had to call for directions.

You can see my actual house on google maps street view, I don't know why people have so much trouble!!

I always heard "layin out" to mean sunbathing/trying to get a tan, layin out in a bikini. My dad and my family are all freckled and really don't tan well, but dad's sister/my aunt could tan darker than a black person. She was always "layin out"
My sister thinks it is funny that eggs are all different sizes...

Oh, yeah, And she thinks that a humongous egg that we had was huge because it had developing chick in it.
Yesterday myfriend got a chick order, that she had split between several different people.

So this one lady was there, picking up her new babies. And she readily admits to knowing nothing about chickens. And she said this pamphlet she picked up at the feed store told her not to be around or handle the chicks for more then 15-20 minutes a day or they would be stressed and not lay right later.

HUH???? Stupid people!

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