Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

my friend works for a disabled man in the morning. His mother brought home very dark colored eggs from the farmers market and wondered why they were so dark. My friend mentioned I had blue eggs. He insisted to her that I was coloring them and fooling her. I had to email him a link to the EE page on here and he finially believes her. Best yet, shes going to tell his mom I will sell eggs to her if she wants so she doesnt have to go to someone else. I wonder if he will say blue eggs taste different.
You guys are cracking me up! This is totally jogging my memory.

I was at TSC last weekend admiring the baby chicks in several tubs. A lady was drooling over the tiny peeps in one of the bins. She asked an associate why they were so much smaller than the other chicks, and he told her that they were the most recent arrivals, so they were younger than the others. The tub was clearly marked "Mixed Bantams"!

When showing a friend a picture of a plucker in a magazine, she said "That is so CRUEL!" She thought that you put the chicken in when it's still alive!

A friend of ours wanted to know how you find out when a cow is old enough to be milked. We told her "after it has a calf." She wanted to know "What does that have to do with anything?"
The son of some family friends visited us from the city. He took a look at my show goats and asked me "Why do those goats have price tags on?"
He seemed disappointing when I told him they were ID tags, I think he wanted to buy one!
My father, his girlfriend and her granddaughters have given me some good material.

They were up visiting and our rooster began crowing. "Grammy, the rooster is crowing! Like in the book!"

My dad looking at my horse's legs, "Uh, what are those things on the inside of her legs?" "Those are chestnuts, left over from when horses had more than 1 hoof." "I thought chestnut was a color, not a growth."

Dad's girlfriend, "So, do your hens lay eggs?"
my neighbor told me that also!!! and ya know what? i didnt correct him!!
because i wanted to be able to have a rooster...and so now i just give him eggs!...*which i couldnt do if i didnt have a rooster!....or so my neighbor STILL thinks...*
i'm evil...

I am still reading through this thread, but I had to say.... this is freakin' GENIUS. I take my hat off to you, red.
Well Ive gotten the classic "How do they lay eggs without a rooster?" And I get "How do you eat the eggs? They have chicks in them!".

A girl in my class found some mallard eggs at a pond. She put them in a box with a light and a thermometer. She said " yeah they are at about 80 degrees" i told her and tried to convince her that this was wrong. she said nope. I then told her that she needed to put in a bowl of water, because she needed humidity for the eggs . She said "Your so stupid. They dont need water until they hatch. How are they going to drink it you idiot? I thought you said you knew a lot about chickens!" She was completeley serious. I almost laughed.
This isn't chicken or farm related, hope that's okay.

My cousins' wife was born and raised in L.A. She came out to Massachusetts, her first time EVER out of L.A. to meet his family. They were all sitting around having coffee. It was late fall, and the heat kicked on. She jumped out of her skin and said "What's that???" My cousin said, "It's just the furnace", to which she replied ".....What's a FURRR-NACE?". She sounded it out like it was a foreign language.
I was asked: "What's the difference in the eggs that we eat and the ones that you hatch?"

My response: "Well I put the ones to eat in the refrigerator, and the others I don't"

Apparently it satisfied them

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