Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

When told that my family puts rainwater on our gardens, a college student asked if it was safe to do that.

One of my friends didn't know that when you eat meat, you're actually eating the muscle of the animal--she thought there was this other thing on the animal that we ate.

ETA: and she was from the country! I live in the city and knew more about farming than she did!
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Chicken related:
Many moons ago I was describing my part time job to a co-worker at my main job (a bank). We were in our early 20's. My friend was a stereotypical cute blonde. Nice and bubbly... but not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Anyhow my part-time job was running a processing plant at a gamebird farm. I explained the process.. scalding, plucking, clipping legs/heads... evicerating. She asked me what we did with the skin. I said we left it on the birds. She said that's "disgusting!" and then she asked what the birds looked like with the skin still on. I told her it looked just like chicken skin. She confidently told me they don't leave the skin on any store chickens. I told her that of course they do... which is why you have to pay extra for the 'skinless' cuts of chicken because they have to remove it. I explained that those holes in the skin are where the feathers used to be attached. She was really horrified at this new info. She just couldn't process it.
I wonder if she ever ate chicken skin again.

Bird related:
A guy I worked with at that gamebird place was driving his girlfriend around the property to show her the birds and all of the wild critters that lived on the property. He pointed out a ringneck pheasant rooster walking along the road. He said "That's a male pheasant." She said "No, it's a chicken." He told her that he worked there and that this place raised 100's of thousands of pheasants... so he knew what he was talking about. Not to mention he had a degree in wildlife biology. She got very angry with him because she KNEW it was a chicken and he was lying. ???

Non chicken related:
[background info] I bowfish and get lots and lots of carp. The lake managers love this because carp are an invasive, non-native fish that tend to mess up the environment for other more desirable aquatic species. Having lots of carp at hand means, I'm always looking for ways to put them to use.
-So, I talked to a lady who ran a wildlife rehabilation place. She said she'd love to have some fish to feed her animals. So one day I take about 35 fresh carp over to her. She happily took them but couldn't help tell me that she disapproved of any killing, even though she knew something had to die to feed her animals. She said she tried hard to only eat animals that didn't have a "head". Curiously, I asked what kind of animals qualified. She said "Seafood mostly". She said she loved shrimp but was unhappy to learn only recently that shrimp had heads. "I didn't know shrimp had heads!" she insisted. I was kind of speechless. She was a licensed wildlife rehabilator who was probably in her 50's but she only recently figured out what a shrimp looked like in it's un-processed form? I guess she was okay with crabs because they don't really have 'heads'. She was a nice, warm hearted lady... but people like that kind of scare me.
I guarantee I will have more after fair is over!

Last year I saw this kid who was 12 or 13. He was walking past all of the roosters and going,"Stop crowing its not morning." I was laughing once that kid left.
At school People are like,"you are killing chickens by eating eggs" and I say no and explain to them the rooster hen thing.
Ok, this happened this morning...

I run outside in my PJ's to find a lady in a SUV waving her arms frantically and hollering for me to come to her.
Thinking something serious was wrong, I ran out to her barefoot and she could hardly catch her breath.

Lady: "Did you know that there is a big white dog in your pasture about to kill your goats?"
Me, Confused: "That big dog (pointing)?"
Lady: "Yeah, yeah, yeah that's him!!!!"
Me: "Thank you for stopping but he's supposed to be out there. He's a livestock guardian dog."
Lady, shaking her head: "Oh, Lord! I didn't know there was such a thing."

I think she was very embarrass because she rolled her window up and left.

So, here he is our goat killer, Trolley.
Here is one I still cannot believe.

"You farmers and ranchers do not feed me or my family I buy my food in the store."

they are stupid and they do reproduce.
Yep, I'm in the group that directions to my place include “and then turn off the paved road”. Had the UPS man deliver a package and seeing my Guineas out patrolling for bugs in the yard said “ I never saw wild turkeys so close before”
Had some city cousins come to visit and refused to eat fresh Mulberries off the tree “Cause they might have bugs on them”
Same city cousins asked “ Why do some of your chickens have bare backs, are they sick?” When I explained those were the Rooster favorites, I got the “ deer in the headlights look”
So far I've only had the couple of usual questions:

1. "So you don't need a rooster for chickens to lay eggs?" "Nope, let's put it this way, what happens to women every month?" "Yeah..." "Well it happens to chickens every day or every other day" (best way I can explain it)

2. "So if I took eggs off the shelf from the grocery store, and incubated them, they wouldn't hatch?"
I live in town, and decided last year that I wanted chickens. So I bought 5 pullets from a farmer, then went and got 6 more. Got one pullet from a byc member. so that made 11 pullets that I had here is what my mom said to me. 1, you don't need chickens just go to the store and buy eggs, 2. Red is a rooster (she laid an egg at my DH feet) told mom she laid an egg, then Pumpkin was a rooster already saw her lay an egg and mom told me rooster's don't lay eggs so that one could not have laid an egg cause it was a rooster. I got 4 pullets this summer got 4 chicks from the farm store, why do you want more chickens that just means more eggs. Duh, I got a mixed Bantam rooster from another byc member and my family is still giving me heck for wanting the rooster. I did lose one of my EE bantams last winter so I have 15 chickens which is the amount you can have in town. I just keep getting told by my family you need a farm yea I know I want a farm they all think I am crazy for wanting to raise my own food. When I was invited to a family picnic I was asked to bring deviled eggs, but make sure to use real eggs from the store not my chicken's eggs since they were not checked by the right people. lol
No problem more for me and my kids. Some people.

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