Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

I had new neighbors drop in this past Saturday to see my setup (menagerie clearly viewable from the road) and buy eggs. These guys lived in the city, but they have been hunters for years.

I got all the classic questions about egg taste between the different egg colors and breeds.
How the color got on the egg. (Grown men were giddy over blue eggs.
How many eggs per week.
What they eat.
If a rooster was necessary for eggs.
Fascination with the meaties that are butchering size.
Somehow they were shocked that you pluck the feathers before gutting.

And they didn't realize a coon would break in and eat chicken heads.

They kept me on my toes. All their questions were serious as they wanted to learn. But then one asked me how often the rabbits lay eggs. THANK GOD he was only joking.

ETA: my own country-raised sister thinks eating my eggs is chicken abortion because I have roosters. Really afraid she'll find a partially developed one.
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i was holding my little banty OEG hen at a 4-H fair and a big tough guy walked over with his girlfriend (who was too scared to pat her) and said "yeah that's a rooster, so you probably shouldn't touch it" in a very grave voice
Toaster is one of the sweetest hens i know of!

toast is the one on the left

i've also gotten the classic " is it a chicken or a rooster", but once it was "is it a hen or a chicken"! you wouldn't believe how long it took to explain that one!

one of my best friends insists that she found a developing embryo in a store-bought egg once. i try to explain that commercial egg producers do not keep roosters and therefore the egg could not have been fertile, plus the fact that they are taken away before a hen has had the chance to sit on them, plus leghorn strains rarely get broody at all. despite this, she still occasionally tells me that story.

people can be so ignorant about some things.

my 4-H club has decided to put up a "stupid chicken questions" poster to avoid the worst ones at the fair this year.
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my DMIL was also under the impression that you had to have roosters to get eggs. We asked her if she needed a man around to create her eggs every month for her.

Another time she was over during the afternoon, looking at the sky said "oh look the sun's out"... she was looking at the moon.

My DH was a city boy, and one day he went with me to help my brother castrate his calves. He offered to let my DH try one and after he felt around for the proper equipment... and my DB and me laughing... finally got him to realize that he had a heifer in the shute not a bull.
well this thread takes me back. When I bouht the farm house my sister in law was all up in arms and was telling her friends and other family members that I was a bad mother. She would rant about how I was moving to a farm with no gas access for heating, no city water, and improper toilet hookups??!!
She started telling people I was weird and stuff because I wanted to get animals and live of my farm. I moved to a 48 acre farm with a well tapped into an underground stream, a septic system and I heat my house with either wood/oil/or electricity. I tried explaining the well concept to her and she said I was crazy to expect her brother and niece/nephew to drink water from a well since she knows for sure all well water is contaminated and dirty because she saw it in a movie that was a true story. I explained the septic..ohh yes I did....turns out she reported me and told them I wanted to make my children poop in a box...SERIOUSLY!!!

well when she found out I got guinea pigs for the kids she freaked out, said what type of person buys swine as gifts for children and that she will never allow her childfren to come visit us. I sent her a picture of the so called swine, guinea pigs!!!!

3 weeks ago I got 21 chickens and tired of the bull and all the criticism from someone as dumb as her I was rude and told her I had prepared an axe and a stump near the coop and the plan was to get my kids to learn how to kill the chickens and then prepare them for dinner
I haven't heard a word from her yet!!!! But another family member told us she is going around telling people I am starting a zoo. I know I know I am a huge meanie. but hey she had it coming, and my babies are not for eating just their eggs.
My dad once stoped a "hunter" who was tresspassing. He said he was after some HUGE deer he saw. He was in our horse pasture.
One time I brought a brown-shelled hardboiled egg in for lunch and everyone thought I had dyed it for Easter.
My SIL (and MIL in a show of solidarity?) said that since 'finding out which part of the egg becomes the chick" that she removes it. Said it was a real pain to do so... so on (keep in mind this was after I'd explained the no roo = egg, but no chicks thing)... which confused the snot out of me...

"So, you find the tiny little dot on the yolk and take it off?"

"What are you talking about, my yolks don't have spots"

"Yeah, that's the part that if fertile, with a misty little donut around it" can develop into a chicken"

"No, it's the stringy part, that's what I take out"

"Really, and that's the part you think -becomes a chicken-?"


"Not the yolk? Not removing anything from the yolk. You eat that entirely without a thought?"

"Yes, that's the safe part, so you don't eat partially developed birds. I eat chicken, and eggs, but that in between is just weird"

Tried to explain... only way you'd get that is if you left the egg under a sitting hen for days/weeks. Consistant HIGH temperature is required to start that process. Most egg farms don't just leave the eggs sitting under then hens, most aren't even hand gathered. It's automatic. Just wouldn't stick... she thinks any egg could be fertile, and therefor will remove that weird stringy bit that is the baby bird... Now, I know I'm new at this but isn't that just the chalazae... and all it does is keep the yolk in place... ?
When I was a teenager I was in the store getting some fresh fruit and vegis to feed my pet iguana.

I saw a woman and her child. Maybe around 10 years old.
The child picked up a carrot and said Mom is this a carrot.

Her mother said no thats not a carrot, carrots come in cans. But that down it might be dirty..

I couldnt believe an adult didnt know what a fresh carrot looked like. I was wondering what she was doing in the fresh produce isle. Maybe she didnt even know..

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