Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Oh I like that one.
I've had this conversation a few times too. I just tell them my hens are lesbian hens and don't need a rooster.


A friend of a friend came over a couple years ago because she was wanting to have her own milk cow, and is possibly interested in buying one of ours. She asks us several "sensible" questions, and then asks...

"When hubby gets off work for holiday weekends it'd be alright to leave her for few days while we're on vacation, right?" Silence.

We then explained to her that a cow has to milked twice a day, everyday. If you were to miss a whole weekend worth of milking, the cow would get mastitis REALLY BAD, and could even die from it. At best, it'd be a long fight with a 1000# cow who's in a lot of pain, who doesn't want you anywhere near her udder, giving her a bunch of antibiotics, extra milkings, and a lot of hard work.

She never did get a cow.

Sorry, I can't think of any chicken-ey ones that haven't already been posted.
This is completely unrelated but what breed/crossing is the calf in your avatar? I saw a few at State Fair (just calves, unlabeled) and was curious! Do they lose that cool coloring as they get older?

It is pretty amazing how clueless many people are when it comes to dairy animals ("why can't you milk a boy goat?"), especially since when it comes right down to it half the population IS a dairy animal...

FrizzleFreak: The calf in my avatar is a "British White." Yes they do keep their adorable coloring.
The calf isn't mine, I've just always liked that photo.
Here's my Black Angus/Texas Longhorn cross cow, Purdy, posing in a winter hat.


Her momma is a beefy red and white Longhorn cow. When crossed with an Angus, everyone of her calves could pass for a British White.

BTW, Purdy's very pregnant in the photo.
My grandpa has been teasing kids for years that.... Brown cows produce chocolate milk and white cows produce white milk. He had my children going on that one until they asked the expert (mom)

He also told his kids that the cows that were going away in trucks were just going to another farm- Mom was 20 something when she was telling my Dad that they were just going to the farm down the road... And Dad being Dad had to ask her if she really believed that....
She did. All that time the cows would go and she believed that they were just moving away

Course this is the same grandpa that had me looking for a dog for a week
When the dog was really gone and buried. He just didn't want to seem my reaction to the 15 year old dog whom I thought of when going to the farm. He just told me the dog was around.
Mom and Dad ended up breaking the news (I am guessing that Grandpa hinted at the fib he told).

My DH has been telling kids that big tractor bales are really tractor poop. Sad news is he had an adult or two going with that one.

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