Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

This isn't about chickens, but funny none the less. I live about an hour and a half from New York City so we get people coming up to go hunting. A couple years ago some guys came up to go hunting and got pulled over for having a cow strapped to the hood of their car. Apparently they told the cop that they were aloud to have it because they had gotten their hunting liscenses and it wasn't illegal to hunt deer. UMMM....IT WAS A COW!!!!!
Everyone knows that cow venison is much better than deer venison.

Since we're on Cows...
I told one of my college students I was originally from Wisconsin.
"Oh my GAAAwwd," she replies, "What did you do there????"
"Oh... Mostly milked the cows," I answer.
She nods understandingly.
a city friend of ours was over for dinner, so we ask "did you grow up in the city?" he says "no" we say "so where did you grow up?" he says "Long Island" we all crack up, Long Island NY is still the city for us.
A guy at work told me that he went to the fair last week and a chicken or a duck pooped on him. He didn't know if it was a chicken or a duck. I just kinda knodded all the while mentally tallying the differences in chickens and ducks......of course for all he knew it might have been a goose or some other fowl that he has never heard of.....
This guy I KNOW fishes a lot, I see his car at one of the local lakes that has ducks and geese.....he should sorta know what ducks look like.
So My cousin comes out to the coop with me and the kids to get eggs, the kids all run into the coop to get the eggs and each one runs back out with an egg in each hand. I put them in the bucket and we head back to the house.

"So are those good to eat?" she asks pointing at the eggs

"Ya they taste great why wouldn't they be ok?" I ask ( with what must have been the most insulting, "are you stupid" look on my face)

" well do they have to be pasteurized or anything like cow's milk?"

I get a lot of city silly questions from her so I try not to laugh when I answer her.

Same cousin looking at seeds this spring for her first garden. She is looking all over the seed (Carrots, peas, corn, etc.) display and mumbling,

"where are they, where would they put them?"

I asked her what she was looking for and she looks at me and says

"I can't find the potato seeds"

I did an internal snort of laughter and patiently ( holding back a smile) asked her if she meant seed potatoes and then told her what to look for when they came out letting her know that you get potatoes from a potato.

Oh so funny
Oh that sounds all too familiar! My son was working at a check station one year, and a pickup pulls in with a tagged miniature donkey! My son can't believe his eyes, so calls over to his friend, a Highway Patrol Officier, who comes over to look. "Ah, what have you got there boys??" Obviously from the city, the guys are all excited; "got our first Mule deer, ain't it a beaut??!!" After the laughing subsided, they were escorted to the patrol car. After a short time, an alert came over the radio that a donkey had been shot and taken from a farm. Needless to say, their first "Mule Deer" was a rather EXPENSIVE lesson!!
What's even funnier, we don't have mule deer here in Missouri, just white tails!
Oh that sounds all too familiar! My son was working at a check station one year, and a pickup pulls in with a tagged miniature donkey! My son can't believe his eyes, so calls over to his friend, a Highway Patrol Officier, who comes over to look. "Ah, what have you got there boys??" Obviously from the city, the guys are all excited; "got our first Mule deer, ain't it a beaut??!!" After the laughing subsided, they were escorted to the patrol car. After a short time, an alert came over the radio that a donkey had been shot and taken from a farm. Needless to say, their first "Mule Deer" was a rather EXPENSIVE lesson!!
What's even funnier, we don't have mule deer here in Missouri, just white tails!


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