Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

After a good 20 minutes of trying to explain that same question to my SIL I finally broke down and said "You drop an egg every month whether he (pointed at her DH) is around don't you?"

This was at In Laws, all adults around the table, and a family that doesn't discuss 'things like that' so you can imagine the looks I got.

But I think it did finally sink in...
I have a couple new ones. The first is a screenshot i took about a conversation that happened on the picture of my hunted deer on my facebook profile. My friend claimed hunting was cruel, i almost want to tell him the way food and egg chickens are raised and the way they are butchered, but i think i'll just leave it at that.


Other Story
Me and a friend were watching a show on Discovery channel. it was talking about caribou and i guess he missed that because he said "hey, look at the moose!" after explaining the difference between a caribou and a moose, mainly the color of the coat, he had that "im an idiot" look on his face
From my cousins....

"Do birds have ears?" *dead serious/curious*

".......yes. They're just internal. Here, look." *moves feathers to show sun conure's ears).

"Weird, I always thought they didn't have ears..."


And then, same cousin.

"Aren't the white eggs, like, washed and bleached or something like that?"

"No, it just depends on the chicken laying them, some lay white, some lay brown, some lay green."

"Really?!" incredulous look on face.


And then when I am showing my dogs at the fair (or used to anyway), I almost ALWAYS got, "Are they always this quiet?" or "Are those Chinese Pugs?" (they're shih tzu, and in full coat................. ..... .... ....................... .... :hmm ......)
sometime last week i got in a conversation with some guys & my vo ag teacher about eggs.

my vo ag teacher said they bleach the brown eggs to make them white (you'd think a vo ag teacher would know)

i told he they don't other wise they wouldn't be edible because it would seep into the pores

then i said "Most chickens lay brown eggs, but there are some breeds that lay white or green"

then someone says "Then why don't they have any brown eggs that food pride?" (the local groccery store) "do they people at the egg industries just throw the brown eggs away?"

then i said "No, you see a chicken can only lay one color eggs and that depends on the breed, like white leghorns lay the white eggs you get at the store"

"you still didin't awnser my question, what d they do with the brown eggs?"

"most industries don't have the brown egg laying hybreds becacuse they're bigger, they take up more space and they eat more food"

"Adam, you still didn't awnser my question"

"ugh, a chicken can only lay one color egg! all chickens of the same breed can only lay one color! leghorns lay white eggs! they don't lay any brown eggs!"

thats all i can rememeber
My friend asked me what my white silkies was. When I told her it was chickens.... she lost it. I had never heard such laughter. She thought is was a baby swan!!!!

I really wonder how many of you knew chickens could lay eggs without a rooster when you first started with your own. I am guilty I did not know. I am not from the city.
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I expect folks from the city who have never spent any time in the country not to know anything about livestock or domestic animals. I laugh along with everyone else about some of the things they say.

But the most appalling ignorance I've encountered is from folks who have lived in the country all of their lives and who are dead certain that what they say is correct when it demonstrably is not. Such as the "you gotta have a rooster to get eggs" thing. Some of the worst poultry raising advice I've ever heard came from guys who work in feed stores. Now some of them have been very knowledgeable but not all of them for sure.

Which is a frequent reminder to me not to try to give advice about livestock I know little about.
This happened last week. Someone asked the "how can you eat chickens you raised" question. I cited my reasons and when I said that some commercial suppliers used antibiotics for various reasons as a matter of procedure she said, "I would rather eat chickens that had been given antibiotics because it will make me healthier".
That was the end of the discussion.
I've had this conversation a few times too. I just tell them my hens are lesbian hens and don't need a rooster.



I've also had people stumped by the fact that I have eggs but no rooster. I tell them that I ovulate every month whether my husband is around or not... and I think it strange that they haven't figured that part out from health or biology class many many years ago... because they still seem confused by that concept.

A lot of people seem to think that its obvious that chickens can lay eggs with or without a male around, but there are species where this isn't true. My family raised parrots and at least with them, if you kept a female by itself it *usually* didn't lay any eggs. I myself didn't know a rooster was unnecessary, and neither did my mom (who grew up on a farm that kept hundreds of chickens), mainly because in most rural/farm situations they never had cause to go without roosters so it was never an issue. It's really only in backyard flocks that its ever brought up. I think it's a reasonable thing for people not to know, although the way people will argue with you about it when they are totally clueless is pretty hilarious.

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