Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

I gave a new friend the tour of our yard yesterday. I showed her the main flock and she said she loved chickens but knew next to nothing about them.
I had to explain what a chicken run is.
Then as we moved to the side yard, I told her the two chickens in the pen were roosters. She asked why they were over there, separated form our other chickens.
I said "Because you can't have too many roosters and these are the ones we aren't keeping."
"So you don't want them to bond with the others?" she asked.
"Well, mostly its to fatten them up." I said simply.
"Oh," she said, understanding. "that kind of not keeping." pause, then surprize "You can eat roosters?!"

I don't consider it stupid, she just didn't know. But it still blew me away. Even being raised vegetarian, I thought everyone knew roosters were for eating.
I also thought every one knew roos could be eaten.
My DFiance' asked me a few weeks ago, what we'd be doing with extra roos.
I told him they'd be our table fare, and that's when he asked me "you can eat roosters? "
I can understand - think about this - how many Cornish Hens are actually hens vs. roos?
I would put money on it being half.....
well most are pullets ,the male are kelp for fryer . cornish game hens are rock x cornish females butcher at 4 weeks. the male put on weight faster than pullets.

My guess not to many people eat rooster........those are over 6 month old males.

I've also had people stumped by the fact that I have eggs but no rooster. I tell them that I ovulate every month whether my husband is around or not... and I think it strange that they haven't figured that part out from health or biology class many many years ago... because they still seem confused by that concept.

A lot of people seem to think that its obvious that chickens can lay eggs with or without a male around, but there are species where this isn't true. My family raised parrots and at least with them, if you kept a female by itself it *usually* didn't lay any eggs. I myself didn't know a rooster was unnecessary, and neither did my mom (who grew up on a farm that kept hundreds of chickens), mainly because in most rural/farm situations they never had cause to go without roosters so it was never an issue. It's really only in backyard flocks that its ever brought up. I think it's a reasonable thing for people not to know, although the way people will argue with you about it when they are totally clueless is pretty hilarious.

Yes even parrot will lay eggs without a male....most don't because they don't have nest Grey would lay.

Does a woman produce a egg without a man my case.......
Hmm... I live in the city but even I'm not that dumb!
I know a chicken and an egg when I see one.

One of my friends was commenting on how chickens scare her 'because they have feet.'

That one made me laugh!!
Had a guy , not city slicker, want to buy some of my pullets ...he only wanted the brown ones ,because most of his customer wanted brown eggs.

ok the white rock will lay brown they are white.............
I got this one yesterday... about deer hunting..

her "so like, you hunt in your backyard?"
me "Sort of, it's on our property but over 400m from the house"
her "Oh, so if you do happen to kill one what do you do with it?"
me "Um.. eat it?"
her "You can eat deer meat? Like pick one up on the side of the road all smooshed and eat it?"
me "nope, one walks in front of me, and I use either my bow or gun to harvest it"
her "Oh wow, so you really do hunt in your back yard"


me "Sort of"
her "I didn't think we had any deer around here though"
me "Then what are you seeing on the side of the road smooshed?"

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