Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Hate to think what woulda happened if you'd mentioned lugnuts or a spare tire!
I have heard so many times, "How can you have eggs if you don't have any roosters?"
Country here, and I have always known

I lived on an Island most of my life and know about lobstering/crabing and fishing. We did not have many farm animals on the island. I can remember a pig and some horses. And come to think of it there were guinea hens cause I remember the owner told us they would eat ticks. The island had a lot of ticks. If you walk through a field you would be covered. I picked off 45 one day. Nasty little buggers. I am still learning about the chickens. I still ask stupid questions about them.
I went to a chicken meet and asked someone if that was a chicken. DUH!!!
It looked more like a dove than a chicken. I have no idea what breed it was. Odd looking thing. It was gray and very small. Not a silkie. Smaller.
this thread is pretty funny! I must be a 'city slicker', because I wasn't raised on a farm. I've had a few questions along the way of raising chickens, of course. Much funnier to me than some things in this thread however, is (comment removed by Staff --- review BYC "Don'ts" rule #5)
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I asked my dad about that once, because we didn't live on a farm, but we didn't live in a city either. We were just plain "country" without being too far backwoods. My dad said we were "hybrids" because we knew more about gardening and country stuff than a city slicker, but also more about city stuff than a true country person since we lived so close to the city.

Examples: our road was paved rather than dirt or gravel you didn't need a 4 wheel drive to get to our house, and our mailbox was at our short driveway rather than a mile up the road, BUT things like sidewalks and stoplights were something we only saw on TV when I was growing up.

Those "safety rules" that they told kids on tv, about crossing the road at the corner at a light, and crossing with traffic ---- all that stuff totally befuddled me as a child, and really didn't make sense until I went to college, where we had *gasp* sidewalks and stoplights!!!! I imagine the city slickers could make a thread of funny stuff that country folks didn't know
I DO that!
Sometimes the kids catch me, sometimes they dont, either way, its whats for lunch!
(with a bowl of tomato soup for dunkin' of course!)

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