Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

A.T. Hagan :

Now what you should have said was, "This is a Holland Lop. It's a meat animal. For a layer you want are one of the Cadbury varieties. They're brown egg layers."

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! That is freakin AWESOME. messing with the city slickers.​
That's an easy one.
Pets spend there day trying to figure out how to get on the kitchen table. Livestock spends there day trying to figure out how to stay off it.

If she has 7 then someone needs to tell her what causes that.

My thought afterwards was perhaps that finally explained why someone would have 7 children.
(to her credit, they are lovely kids and a happy family... if a bit clueless.)
If she has 7 then someone needs to tell her what causes that.

Well said cowboy!

I don't know if the chicken "kiss" could really be explained as "love" considering the apparent brutality of the act. But considering one's audience, perhaps that is the best way to explain it. lol
That's an easy one.
Pets spend there day trying to figure out how to get on the kitchen table. Livestock spends there day trying to figure out how to stay off it.

I'll have to tell him that tomorrow

I'm laughing so much hubbs is giving me funny looks
I've had this conversation a few times too. I just tell them my hens are lesbian hens and don't need a rooster.


I am SO stealing that from you!!! that's awesome.
If she has 7 then someone needs to tell her what causes that.

My thought afterwards was perhaps that finally explained why someone would have 7 children.
(to her credit, they are lovely kids and a happy family... if a bit clueless.)

For some reason every time I read something about needing a rooster to lay an egg I keep seeing in my head that scene in Sydney White where John Schneider is holding the pipe fittings an telling her that every month she lays an egg.
If she has 7 then someone needs to tell her what causes that.

My thought afterwards was perhaps that finally explained why someone would have 7 children.
(to her credit, they are lovely kids and a happy family... if a bit clueless.)

Hey!! Clueless or not, having a large family is a concious choice!
Okay - one on me. I always thought the mascot for AFLAC was a goose. I even argued with my husband about it. I never saw a white duck before. Mallards are the only ducks I ever saw. My grandpa had the annual chicken slaughter, and I remember the chickens, but the only ducks I ever saw back then were the ones my relatives hunted.

As for citykids - my kids were raised in the city, but know where their food comes from. A friend brought over some monitor lizard meat and a bunch of chicken (figuring the kids wouldn't eat the lizard meat.) He cooked it up, and at the end of the meal, there was a big pile of chicken meat untouched and the kids asking for more lizard! This same friend took my deer hunting on his family's land. Before I left, the kids looked at me and said "mom - bring back bambi's mom." (They already knew I had a doe permit.)
That's actually a myth. My cats both are well-fed mousers. Actually, Rowdy is a mouser, a wood-ratter, and has been known to tree raccoons. It was fun watching Uncle Rowdy teaching Emily the kitten how to mouse. He would bring in a mouse, take it to the top of the stairs, then bat it down the stairs for her to chase...
EDITed for niceness
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