Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

My darling kitties only seem to bring me the bodies. They don't eat them. They do seem to serve them up as gifts. Sometimes I feel as though I do not need to be honored by such extravagance, and yet I am.
yeah, in my opinion thats like saying "my cat wont play with me if he has a healthy diet". these mice are just toys to my WELL FED cats, and they bring me them whenever there seems to be a problem.
I am saying if you want a cat feed it. Everyone, and every animal deserves to be fed. If you don't want to feed something, don't get the animal.
The best mouser I ever had was a Chow Chow X. I could tell her to get the mouse and she would. I would rather depend on the dog, than the cat when it comes to rodent control. I still feed the cats, and they earn their keep. I would never own an animal and not feed it to the best of my abilities. I feed humans too on occasions.

i watched a mouse run across my living room floor the other night.

then i watched my english bull terrier watch him run across the floor.

then i watched my english bull terrier go back to sleep

i had to take care of the darn thing myself.

the cats took care of its "family"
I had the master race mother rat that lived in the play house. (where all the feed was kept at the time.) As far as I can tell it is still where we left it. There is the mission and the there is common sense. And Miss Berber did seem to have common sense.
I never said anything about not feeding my animals. I said not leaving feed out for them 24/7 which is unhealthy for cats anyway. If there not finding anything they get fed more. Just like I dont feed much corn to my free ranged birds or they will just sit around the yard an not venture out an catch bugs. The best mousers will always be the ones that see it as there livelihood not the ones that do it for fun. Catching a mouse every now an then for fun don't cut it on my farm. They are here to work. Catching several a day. Not one or two a week.

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