Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Someone asked me what kind of horse my steer was.
This wasn't a city slicker but a farmer's wife. We were processing turkeys and found eggs inside a couple of the hens. She said they were really too young to be laying but they had eggs because she started feeding them layer feed a couple weeks before.
A while ago my EX was asking questions about my chickens, and one of them was "Do you have to like... do anything to them before you eat them"?, So i asked what she meant and she said "well they came from CHICKENS, and not from the store, so they have to be treated first right"?.......... she wasnt the sharpest tool in the shed (she grew up in the country too)
My dad went into the woods because he saw a grouse (sp?) so he had his 12 gage. And my nephew who was with my looking out the window Says " I think he got it, and hes bringing it back" and I was like " he diddent even shoot yet."

haha but I do cut him slack he was 8
We've been getting raw milk... Sis noticed the odd (meaning no large label on it) jug in the fridge... I explained it was raw... *blank look* as in Not Cooked... OHHHH...

They've just switched Max over to regular milk... year old and all... and she asks me "Is it safe to give THAT milk to the baby?"

I was close to saying "It's a helluva lot safer than the hormone and god knows what else laced stuff you've been giving him" but I refrained and just said "Should be fine"...
I get the opposite! People only want brown eggs because brown eggs are 'organic' and white eggs are 'store bought'..... um.... so my white eggs don't sell but I'll be darned if I can't get double for my teeny tiny little bantam EE eggs. You know, because blue is 'organic' as well. oooookay.
The nerve of you to think you know where you live! I have never heard of such nonsense!

I have the same problem with my address. My mother called me from UPS and one day and said "Lady they say your address does not exist can you confirm it for me" So I repeated it to her and she handed her phone to the UPS clerk who said "That address does not exist" I said

"Then please go tell the mortgage company and the electric company that I am paying someone else's bill"

My mom used to get UPS packages that had maps drawn on the boxes so the driver could find our house. They actually found the house though, dirt (gravel) road and all....

Funny thing is, I live smack dab in the middle of the city now. On a numbered street, you know, first, second, third, hmmm FIFTH street??? But no one can find my address. Fed Ex has delivered things to the neighbor across the street, to some guy in a red truck who brought my package over from who knows where, and UPS can't find it, and I had a countertop delivered from Ikea from some shipping company who called to confirm my address two times and STILL got it wrong on the invoice and the driver had to call for directions.

You can see my actual house on google maps street view, I don't know why people have so much trouble!!

I always heard "layin out" to mean sunbathing/trying to get a tan, layin out in a bikini. My dad and my family are all freckled and really don't tan well, but dad's sister/my aunt could tan darker than a black person. She was always "layin out"

I have problems getting stuff delivered but its not the delivery persons fault. On my street the houses go up to number 10 then there are two houses that look like they are on our street but actually it was the start of another street but never got finished. So there are 2 houses before you get from number 10 to number 12 and it confuses a lot of people. As for people saying you need a cockeral to get eggs, the old blocke on my allotment told a new plot holder that so he could get rid of one of his. He has way too many roos 5 for about 11 hens so the poor girls are being over mated with. I had to look up crawdads though over here they are called crayfish.

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