Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

I couldn't name a hen that... it's just too obvious. I prefer names that make you think... or for those incapable make them give that puzzled "I don't get it" look... At 31 I have to confess that I still think Sis is particularly fun to do this to...
LOL I'm a country girl born in a city slicker body!!! Think of it like this: both my parents hate birds. My mother especially because, as she once told me, "They have lice, they are noisy and their feathers can carry diseases". Thank God she never met my pets then
I am allergic to dogs and cats, hate rodents and think fish are boring. So...what does that leave? *Everybody screams chicken*. So one day one of my classmates asks me:

"WTH? Why are your chickens black! Do they have some sort of infectious disease? Do YOU have the plague???"
And my father:
"It's easy to hatch chicken egs. You get a bulb and put the eggs under and 21 days later you get a chick!"

LOL no way, man

I'll think of more later
I was at the feed store and a lady was asking how to keep the squirrels out of her bird feeders. I said "they go dandy with gravy".
She wasn't amused.
I was at the feed store and a lady was asking how to keep the squirrels out of her bird feeders. I said "they go dandy with gravy".
She wasn't amused.


I laughed so hard tears came out of my eyes!! Thats too funny!! Sounds like something I would say.

Chickencanoe, at the feed store I made the same comment about deer to a customer. As she was going off on me an old guy (older than me, and that's going some) came from behind some shelves and proceeded in plain, outspoken, country terms to explain to her just how much deer cost him on a yearly basis.
As they took their discussion into the parking lot the clerk said to me "Controveresy just seems to follow you."
Maybe we're related? Funny, I have an uncle like that too...

I hate to admit it, but I AM an uncle like that.

We have a lot of feral hogs around here and I see them dead on the side of the road all the time. I am just waiting to drive up on one still kicking, so I can finish the job and take that sucker home and start butchering. Bar-B-Q road kill YUM YUM!

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