Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

did he mention the feed in the tin cans or does he remember empty cans being fed to them lol

We had an alpine that loved to eat soda can's people left lying around. After the second surgery, we had to give up on her!
Well, actually, this isn't that far-fetched. Most oddly-colored vegetables lose their color when boiled, as do most things really. However, if she'd ever boiled brown eggs, she'd know that the pigment in eggs is built of stronger stuff.

I was explaining to a couple of friends the travesty the human race has committed by breeding the modern Cornish Rock (I prefer my meat birds mobile and self-sufficient, thank you!) and how when I was the health checker at a local county fair, I checked a six-week-old bird who was the size of a rotisserie chicken already, and could no longer walk. This goes on for awhile, and we debate whether or not it's acceptable to prolong the breed and thus the suffering, or make the decison to eliminate the breed and whether or not we have that right.
At the end, someone who had not been part of the conversation asked, "So, did you eat it? Because if you did, that's awful."


Also, my grandmother insists that her family had the same milk cow her entire childhood, and that that cow was never bred. We have many times explained why this is impossible, but it doesn't seem to sink in. Our theory is that they hid it from her because they had to kill the calf- no point in raising a dairy calf on a beef ranch, especially with a family that needed all the milk from the mother and nowhere to sell extra if they kept the calf.
We have also repeated that animals must be bred if they're going to give milk (excluding some scary hormone problems) and that boy goats will not give milk (again, excluding the scary hormone problems), even if you massage their udders daily. It just doesn't work that way.
Well, actually, this isn't that far-fetched. Most oddly-colored vegetables lose their color when boiled, as do most things really. However, if she'd ever boiled brown eggs, she'd know that the pigment in eggs is built of stronger stuff.

I was explaining to a couple of friends the travesty the human race has committed by breeding the modern Cornish Rock (I prefer my meat birds mobile and self-sufficient, thank you!) and how when I was the health checker at a local county fair, I checked a six-week-old bird who was the size of a rotisserie chicken already, and could no longer walk. This goes on for awhile, and we debate whether or not it's acceptable to prolong the breed and thus the suffering, or make the decison to eliminate the breed and whether or not we have that right.
At the end, someone who had not been part of the conversation asked, "So, did you eat it? Because if you did, that's awful."


Also, my grandmother insists that her family had the same milk cow her entire childhood, and that that cow was never bred. We have many times explained why this is impossible, but it doesn't seem to sink in. Our theory is that they hid it from her because they had to kill the calf- no point in raising a dairy calf on a beef ranch, especially with a family that needed all the milk from the mother and nowhere to sell extra if they kept the calf.
We have also repeated that animals must be bred if they're going to give milk (excluding some scary hormone problems) and that boy goats will not give milk (again, excluding the scary hormone problems), even if you massage their udders daily. It just doesn't work that way.

Never thought of it that way, but after I say no that it's like boiling a brown egg the people always say "Oh, easy Easter eggs!"
The beef we eat in the city doesn't come from a farm does it?

My exhusband asked "They don't put animal poop on the food people eat do they?"

and my favorite one

A lady at the farmers market told me I needed to wash my eggs and they would be white like in the store and more people might buy them.
I read these posts daily if anyone replies and it just makes me wish more and more I had a little cabin in the woods somewhere far far away from people. Its just unbelievable how ignorant people can be of where thier food comes from.

Im new to ducks and have just hatched out my 1st duck egg. I was telling my friend who, has shown horses all her life, has shown dogs and rabbits, bred meat rabbits, raised cows and had a dairy, raised hogs for meat, done all the 4H stuff with her kids, rabbits, hogs, horses, chickens, goats, rodeo name is shes done it. I was telling her that there was no yolk left in the egg after the baby was born and she told me not to be stupid that the yolk turns into the duck, I tried my hardest to fight the fact that in the egg was a duck and the yolk and that the duck absorbs the yolk...a bit like colostrum for the goats. She just pulled a face at me and told me I was talking out my booty and just laughed at me. She told her hubby.....who has chickens in cages for eggs
and he laughed at me too. Oh well, theres just no telling some country folks either.

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