Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Thought I would share this,

We just drove to Washington State to pick up a new stud. Now we breed several types of farm animals, so the confusion at first is justified.

A friend just called and asked what I did this weekend, I told her we went to pick up our new stud. She said, Oh how cool is that, what type of stud did you get?

I told her a new aussie stud,

She said, your husband is ok with that?????

I stopped and said that to my neighbor one time. HE actually realized it was just a funny way to tell him his cows were out again. Don't take it for granted that someone is stupid just because YOU don't get the joke.
Breezy... All male mammals have inactive mammary glands & nipples... take a look around next time you are at the pool
Hormones of a certain female type will increase the size of male mammaries and I would expect in some case even cause them to become functioning...
Hopefully this is something I will never personally experience as I have no desire to wear a "Bro"..

Yeah I am familiar with males and mammary glands and nipples. I havent seen a male with an udder though. I knew should have asked my vet instead of here.
Breezy... All male mammals have inactive mammary glands & nipples... take a look around next time you are at the pool
Hormones of a certain female type will increase the size of male mammaries and I would expect in some case even cause them to become functioning...
Hopefully this is something I will never personally experience as I have no desire to wear a "Bro"..

Yeah I am familiar with males and mammary glands and nipples. I havent seen a male with an udder though. I knew should have asked my vet instead of here.

So, isn't an udder just a bigger mammary gland? or am I just being ignorant.
@annaraven: Pretty much. An udder is the whole system: teats, orifices, ducts, glands, etc.

Also, yes, I do know about precocious milkers and milking bucks. That's why I mentioned the "scary hormone problems", because all of the goats that I've known about with these conditions had other hormone-related issues, or in the case of the does, milked themselves to death. Apparently it was just impossible to keep weight on them; an increase in food merely meant an increase in milk production, and eventually they just couldn't support themselves. The conditions, while manageable beforehand, were aggravated by breeding. One doe's kids were killed by the neighbor's dog (
) and her owner's had the hardest time keeping up with her production. They tried everything- drying her off (almost died of mastitis), hormone treatments (more effective but expensive), and milking several times a day (seemed to increase production). They put her down.
Most of the bucks simply had recurring problems with mastitis, but a couple...had something else happen...shoot...what was it?

On an actually relevant note, tried to explain to someone today that chickens only have one "hole".
I had an annoying city slicker from LA visit with my great aunt. I mentioned that we eat our animals and she went balistic. She said she won't ever eat anything I make because she can't eat an animal she has seen. She will buy her food from the store because she can't eat anything cute.
I told her she needs to become a vegitarian because I can guarantee my animals are treated better than a lot of her grocery store meat.

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