Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

looking for lavendor orpington (glasgow)
Date: 2011-02-08, 11:18PM CST
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]

Looking for lavendor orpingtons chicks or chickens.

Every year here in Iowa, is an annual across the State bicycle ride, RAGBRAI. It attracts folks from all over the country. Some normal, some abnormal
Many of the groups or teams (this is not a race just an... event), dress in odd costumes such as Nuns, clowns, in drag etc. And many from urban rather than rural areas.
Each year the route changes. This event draws huge, I mean huge numbers of people. A town of 2,500 can blossom into a town of 15,000 in a day! And this is of course party time for the non hardcore riders. They have come through our small town twice in nearly 25 years and it is an event to say the least. If you are a town the riders stop and sleep in, there is no rest for the tired. Resident or not! We live across the street from the City park that is always used for this event so, we literally open the house up for them. Nobody abuses anything but they use the bathrooms get a drink, sleep in the yard on the deck, you name it. No harm no foul. And they have always been grateful for the courtesy.
You can always tell the city folks, they have clothes pins on their noses when going by a hog lot!
Enough background... one of the simplest and funniest things I have ever heard came from a weary bicyclist who took a rest in a farmers yard....

While looking around the neat farm yard and the equally tidy outbuildings, the city riders gaze was drawn to the tall, blue Harvestor silos, gleaming in the summer sun.
Asked the city rider of the farmer,
"What are those tall blue things?"
The farmer explained they were for grain storage.
The rider then asked, "Why is that one taller than the other?".

To which the common sensed plain speaking Iowa farmer replied...

"Because one is 40' tall and one is 70' tall"!

Of course I also like it when I tell people I have to go milk the chickens and they think I really do!
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The funniest thing a southerner said to me when I moved to Roanoke, VA from NJ was, " Are you a yankee or a darn yankee?". I asked "what's the difference?", and he replied
"A darn yankee never leaves!".
i have a polish bantam rooster named albert that lives in the house with me. One day my friend came over and Albert was sitting on my lap getting a good ol tummy rub, my friend said that is an awesome parrot where did you get him?!?!?!? i just started to laugh and he said " i bet he cost you a fortune!" hehehe its a month later and i still havent told him its a chicken, someday he will figure it out
What? no.
True potato seed is seed produced by the plant by fruit, like a tomato. Just like your children are not genetically identical to you (true potato seed is the offspring of the plant), while a clone of you will be genetically identical (cutting up a potato root into seed potatoes is cloning the plant), the true potato seed is not genetically identical. It is how you breed new variates of potato ( such as blue, yukon gold, fingerlings, russet, red potatoes, etc)

Okay, duh. Former city girl here, learning to be country. Obviously I'm failing! At least I know that hens don't need roosters to lay eggs! Now if someone could just convince my hubby that turkeys don't drown every time it rains.

If they did, then there would be no such thing as wild turkeys
Okay, duh. Former city girl here, learning to be country. Obviously I'm failing! At least I know that hens don't need roosters to lay eggs! Now if someone could just convince my hubby that turkeys don't drown every time it rains.

If they did, then there would be no such thing as wild turkeys

Yeah, I tried that reasoning. I think I finally convinced him today tho.
Okay, duh. Former city girl here, learning to be country. Obviously I'm failing! At least I know that hens don't need roosters to lay eggs! Now if someone could just convince my hubby that turkeys don't drown every time it rains.

If they did, then there would be no such thing as wild turkeys

And if there were no wild turkeys, there'd be no Wild Turkey.

That should really hit a country boy where it's home.

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