Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

We were at a party and i saw a lady i know eating these delicious beef sticks. Someone went up to her and said you know those are venision. She dropped the one in hand and started complaining she was sick to her stomach. That was great lol.
I live in the south but moved to the north for a year. When I started working at my new job, the door lady kept saying "Howdy Heifer" every time I came to work. I let this slide for about a week but finally I went up and said
Me: I know I'm a big girl and all but why are you calling me a heifer?
Her: But isn't that how you greet each other in the south
Me: only if you want to get shot, heifer is a cow
Her: then how do you greet each other
Me: we say hello

She turned red and I walked away shaking my head
I've lived in the north all my life and have visited the south often. I have NEVER heard that greeting. I apologize for some people's ignorance...

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