Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Poor lady. She must have been embarrassed.

Lady watches too much Jerry Springer!
Not a city slicker or animal related moment, but i still get a kick out of it! My son was about 15 at the time and he was helping me with some spring cleaning. He was disappointed that he couldn't get the bar-b-que grill clean enough to suit him. Me: "it just needs a little elbow grease, that's all, hon." HE: "Great! Do we have any of that??"
My friend was chasing his little black goat down the street and after he caught her and was carrying her back home, a guy asked "Is that your dog?" and he said "No, it's my goat" and the guy yelped "AAAGH! LOOK AT THE HORNS!!"
OMG!! That's unreal. I sell seafood on the roadside in Florida. Three customers last week asked me about the stone crab claws. I showed them the claws and told them that my crabber had just brought them in from the Gulf the night before. "But are they fresh?"
That's funny!

There's a gal who owns a cafe in town, and folks call her "Heifer Mel." Originally her cafe was called "(insert town name) Cafe," but about a year ago she changed it to "Heifer Mel's," and she now has the name in big letters across the front of the menus. She decorates her cafe really cute too, lots of cows, chickens, pigs, and other farm/country knick-knacks. And the food's real good too!

But other than that, I haven't heard "heifer" used at all in greeting...
So many people get freaked out by my hens eggs. As if they are inferior to those they buy at the store.

"My wife doesn't like them because she thinks they aren't clean" "She gets WHITE ONES on sale at Von's, anyways"

UM you can look out my patio window and see all my hens and their coup are VERY clean.
Happily free-ranging with clean butts. Ever watch a video of what a store bought eggs' mama lives like?
This thread is proof positive our govt has done everything in their power to dumb our society down to a level that could not save themselves with 3 words of instructions...RUN REAL FAST.....WUT???

I have a SIL that was raised in a semi rural area and she will not eat any meat on the bone either. She won't eat at mom & pop restaurants because she thinks that becuase places like McDonald's and Der Weinersnitzel have "cleanliness standards" for their employees, these places MUST be cleaner than small restaurants.
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