Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Ya'll are funny.
I had a guy come to get some quail. looked over all my birds and saw my peafowl. Said ( Thats the biggest chicken I ever seen do you eat em )
This may not be exactly a city slicker thing though she did move here from a big city.

Some years ago, I knew this girl, super blonde,super in your face Christian, always trying to convert me, cheerful, perky always wears pink ex cheerleader. Strangely enough she didn't annoy me because knew she meant well. She was rather sweet, just a bit clueless at times.

I was early for Choir practice and was alone, so I was grooving to "Jesus Freak" and singing it at the top of my lungs when she walked into the choir room (we were both in the same audition choir).

she got a smirk on her face and said "You know they are singing about how they love Jesus even if it's uncool. it's a Christian song."

me: "I know" and continued to dance wildly around the room

her: "but your not Christian"

me: "Yup"

her: "But that's a Christian song"

Me: "Yup, and it has a darn good beat too, not to mention the passion! "

her: "... but..."

Me: "Still like it! I like Christians too!"

she stares at me and is strangely quiet around me the rest of the evening, even in practice. which is a shame, loved having discussions with her over religion.

Maybe I'll join a choir again one day. I miss singing. There is few music out there as lovely as classical religious and cultural music of all religions and cultures. the passion just shines through when people sing about their faith. it's so moving.

I tried to explain this to her over the time we were in choir together but it just confused her.
Went to a chicken swap yesterday and A "City Chicken Owner" was there trying to sell a pair of banties. When I asked about them she said. Well I don't want to separate them as I think she is pregant and is laying 2-3 eggs a day.
I had to walk away before I burst out laughing in her serious looking face.
2 things come to mind.was in town at Walmart.needed a new hatchet so i picked 1 up.when i went to the cashier i found out i had got 1 that did not have a UPC code on it.the next thing out of His mouth was "what is this called ".the other was a young woman called about some laying hens so she could start a hatchery but she did not want a rooster.
my chiropractor is very interested in asking about our chickens. today she was asking about show chickens and i said, "yeah the standard of perfection is pretty strict, the even tell you what angle the chickens should hold thier tails at." my chiropractor: "wait, chickens have tails?"
not believing me when i said yes, she googled "chickens". lo and behold, they have tails. she pointed to a picture of a pair of buff cochins (one hen, one rooster) and said "and those ones are pregnent, right?" i should have said yes

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