Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

i don't know, but spur of the moment i brought my little serama girl to the chiropractor's office for her to meet a chicken and see that they do in fact have tails, and she said "wow, her fur is so soft"!
My teacher was talking about hawks, randomly yes. I don't remember why he mentioned it, but he said, "What do you think hawks eat, chicken?"

Some girl at my school said that chickens don't eat grass.

And I've had a few people mistake my modern games for baby chicks.
They said things like, "Aww, they're so young!" and "When did you hatch them?"
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When I ordered my chicks, I was telling my city slicker friend about them. City slicker friend (hereafter referred to as CSF) is a college professor and generally a brilliant guy - except when it comes to animals. The conversation went something like this:

Me: So, I'll be getting fifteen newly-hatched chicks in a few weeks!

CSF: Really? From where?

Me: A hatchery in Ohio.

CSF: How are they going to get here?

Me: Oh, they mail them to you.

CSF: In a box? Really?

Me: Yep. That's been going on for decades.

CSF: We're talking about the little fuzzy things that go "peep peep peep," right?

Me: Yeah - why?

CSF: So, they put these little peeping things in a box, and then you get a box that goes "peep peep peep?"

Me: Well, you certainly hope your box is saying "peep peep peep," because otherwise you're in trouble, because they're dead!
One of my neighbors acts like he's breaking his arm just to wave to me. So one day while he was pruning his crepe myrtles I told him I have a pole pruner if he'd like to borrow it. I WILL eventually get them to talk to me.
I can't be ignored forever ya know, lol. Anyhow he says no thanks, comes to the fence and says:

Him: So what do you have in the cage back there? Chickens?

Me: Yep. 3 laying hens. Being out of city limits, I'm going to enjoy some fresh eggs. But don't worry, I don't have a rooster so they're quiet.

Him: Is that the one that makes the noise?

Me: Um,'s the rooster that goes cocadoodledoooooo.

Well I got another one to add to this list...

On wednesday I received my order of 49 chicks and 11 turkey poults, I posted it on my FB status, and a friend pm'd me and big are the eggs that baby chickens lay?? I thought she was kidding, but turns out she wasn't after all.
this is not about poultry and anyone, even country bumpkis can get this mixed up:

i'm on vacation in Louisiana and there are tones of black vultures down here. Lots of people including my grandmother calls vultures buzzards. now every ornithologist that knows the basics on classifications knows any bird member to the beuteo family are buzzards. examples are red tailed hawks and red shouldered hawks. new world vultures are more closly related to storks
ok, I have to share this story about my mother

We were at the grocery store (I think Krogers, it was a long time ago). Tyson rep was there, urging everyone to buy tyson because it was the freshest you could get.

Mom: no it's not
rep: oh yes ma'am! there is no way that you can eat a fresher bird than this.
Mom: (thumps on bird) it's frozen you idiot
rep: ma'am there is no way you will ever get a fresher chicken for your table
Mom: of course I can, I'll just walk out and chop it's head off.

his jaw about hit the floor and mom just walked off

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