Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Well, we were all there once. But you're one of us now, so we can't poke fun at you anymore.

*evil laugh as i sit in a chair, slowly petting a chicken*

Well, we were all there once. But you're one of us now, so we can't poke fun at you anymore.

*evil laugh as i sit in a chair, slowly petting a chicken*

Just had a great convo the other day with my SIL's MIL (beth). Was telling her and my MIL that I bought EE chicks because i wanted colored eggs. Beth starts asking what do i mean and goes on how her family had hundreds and no blue or green eggs. I said they are EE's and one of the few breeds that do this. Then she starts saying they must have guinea keet in them. This same lady also didn't get that my current hens are mixes not a certain breed. It took a few times of saying no to her naming different breeds they are just a mix breed. Really annoying lady and soo glad she isnt my MIL lol
Me, talking to a relative online: Yes, I bought another 3 chickens.

Relative: That's good. Were they brands you didn't have before?

She doesn't know much about chickens, but it sounds like something many non-chicken people I know would say.
Neighbor tells me " That he is going to take about 30 WLH fertile first pullet eggs and just leave them in the sun and let nature take its course." No broody hen, no incubator just the sun will hatch the tiny first pullet eggs.


I try to tell him nicely that he has a 99% chance that none of his WLH are going to broody and the sun will not hatch the eggs. He tries anyway.
A lady called our post office the other day angry because she came to our office to pick up a package and the office was closed. The postmaster told her we were open Monday thru Friday form 8:30 am to 4:00 pm and we close everyday at noon for 1 hour for lunch. The lady then asked my postmaster what time at noon we closed for lunch. My pm was unsure how to respond, just sort of sat there in silence holding the phone for ten seconds.
Was at the store waiting in line,the register had froze up and the manager was helping get it going.She then says "I don't know why they put the satalite dish on the roof.It gets rained on and iced over...and the heat to."The clerk and the customer at the register was agreeing with her.

I just stood there in line thinking OMG realy,sure lets put it under a roof or inside durrrr....

Does she realy not get that if it was covered from the elements it would not get a signel????

Reminds me of when I worked at a coffee shope at Twelve Oaks Mall. I was working with my boss one day when the phone rang, an employee from another mall store wanted to place an order for pickup.

Boss: Our soups today are minestrone and chicken noodle. Well ... it has chicken and noodles in it ...

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