Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

They believe because when I was a kid and traveled to the lower 48, I told everyone,
Yes, of course we live in igloos.
Have polar bears as pets.
And eat ice worms.

Imp- hasn't changed much over the decades.

LOL!!!! LOL!

We got a new next door neighbour and I was outside by the lake collecting my duck eggs. She seemed interested and started saying how cute the ducks were. I handed her some eggs and she withdrew quickly. She would not accept them because she said.......

"you can't eat them can you?.....but how do you know they have not gone bad because they might have been there for more than an hour!"

I explained they can stay fresh out of a refrigerator for days. I only have 4 female ducks and here are the 4 eggs from this morning. She said they might have germs on them because they have been on the ground and started saying something about the supermarket ones have a best before date and are sterile.......... so I gave up at that point and just smiled.
oh ya have also gotten "Do roosters lay eggs?"

or how bout this one 'Do your roosters mate your roosters?"

People crack me up!!
I told a friend of mine, who I give eggs to, to save her egg shells because I feed them back to the chickens for calcium. Her reply, "but that's like cannibalism right."
then when I told her that sometimes I make them scrambled eggs as a treat, I thought she was going to flip LOL

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