Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

I told a friend of mine, who I give eggs to, to save her egg shells because I feed them back to the chickens for calcium. Her reply, "but that's like cannibalism right."
then when I told her that sometimes I make them scrambled eggs as a treat, I thought she was going to flip LOL

LOL I have had something like that happen!!
oh ya have also gotten "Do roosters lay eggs?"

or how bout this one 'Do your roosters mate your roosters?"

People crack me up!!

Mine do. All the time. I also had one rooster that had a thing for gallon plastic milk jugs. Found him dead one day in the middle of a pile of them.
Well, a friend of mine found a wandering chicken, and offered it to me. I asked what kind it was, and she replied "I don't know what brand it is, but it's black and white!"

I wonder what brand it is too... tyson? Lucerne? Nuetrogena?
We had a very remote, off-grid cabin in the mountains. As I described it to an acquiantance, she asked about the toilet facilities. I explained that we did have a nice bathroom, complete with sink, shower and hot running water (12v pump and propane water heater) but that the toilet itself was a port-a-potti. A look of sheer disgust spread over her face.... "You mean to say that you crap inside the house??????????? ". It took her awhile to figure out when I said "Don't YOU???". I'm guessing she figured that since we were out in the middle of nowhere that we must surely just use the nearest bush or something.
Well, a friend of mine found a wandering chicken, and offered it to me. I asked what kind it was, and she replied "I don't know what brand it is, but it's black and white!"

I wonder what brand it is too... tyson? Lucerne? Nuetrogena?

It's store brand. :p

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