Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

So I had to have a workman over to the house, to take window measurements. I wasn't sure when he'd show, so as I was puttering around the house, I had my pair of goat kids running free. When he arrived and I let him in, both kids came up to give him an enthusiastic greeting! His reaction went kinda like this, "cute dogs! Waaait, hooves? Are these...goats?" and he thought it was very funny that I had house goats. Though I put them away in their kennel so they didn't get in his way.
I have one thats kinda just sad lol...My sister and I were talking about dairy cows one day and she seriously believed that dairy cows didnt need to have babies to produce milk, she thought they naturally produced the milk....My sister was in FFA for 4 years and grew up on our farm. She is turning 22 in about a month (she is 18 months older than me). We toured a dairy farm while in FFA, she was on the dairy team in FFA, and she lives on a farm....all I could do was be shocked and then I just laughed because it was so sad...and funny...
We raise Loinhead rabbits and show them, at the county fair people from the city mistake them fom dogs, cats, and even guinea pigs!!

Here is what they look like.
These are not my rabbits.
At our county fair, there were baby rabbits on display. I had my rabbit on a petting table,and a kid walks up to me and says, "Did he lay an egg? Because I saw baby bunnies over there." I kindly explained to him that rabbits don't lay eggs, and he said, "Yes they do, because there are babies over there!"
At our county fair, there were baby rabbits on display. I had my rabbit on a petting table,and a kid walks up to me and says, "Did he lay an egg? Because I saw baby bunnies over there." I kindly explained to him that rabbits don't lay eggs, and he said, "Yes they do, because there are babies over there!"

Easter Corrupts there poor little minds :(

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