Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Lol! That's really funny!
I got one, but its from a dairy farmer. (my boss)

He was asking me about my chickens and what I have, I was listing the breeds that I raise.

Then he said- What is the best egg to fry?

Me- Uh, they all lay the same kind of eggs. It does not matter what breed. They all eat the same feed. :confused:

Boss- Oh, ok, well I want some eggs on tomorrow.

Me- Ok. :D
Here's one...
Me: Want to come help me feed my cattle?
My Friend: Sure
(walks out to the barn)
MF: Which is the bull and which is the cow?
Me: The bull has the testicles and the cow has udders.
MF: Ok.....What are testicles?
Me: Uh... You have them, duh.
MF: So those are bulls? (points to the udders on the cow.)
Me: No.
Honestly, this kid is 14 and has been in the health class. Either he doesn't listen or is blind. Slickers are clueless.
The modern school system is putting out some seriously dense kids. I'm no Einstein, but I at least have problem solving skills. Ive observed my daughter and her friends for a while now (around 14 years old) . When you confront them with something they haven't seen before, thay are completely unable to figure out how it works and have to be shown. For example, I have a hose bib lock that goes on the garden hose faucet on the outside of the house. I handed them the key and asked if they could unlock it for me while I grabbed the hose. These locks are a simple design. solid steel cap that screws on the hose faucet till its tight. Without the key in, it spins freely very similar to a child proof medicine cap. When you slide the key in, a magnet locks the two pieces together allowing it to be unscrewed. the key is just a black rectangle with a ridge on one side, so you cant insert it in upside down. I watched them fight with it for a solid 20 minutes. I wanted to see how long it would take them to figure it out because I'm a great believer in letting people figure out things on their own. They gave up after 20 minutes.

oh i got one. This is probably the dumbest thing ever asked. I seriously felt like i needed to teach this person a lesson.

I was paired up in shop class with another girl and we were talking while working. i asked what animals she had and she said 2 dogs, then she asked what i had and i told her i had 9 ducks i hatched myself. not kidding, she bluntly "corrected" me that ducks were mammals and that I'm stupid. I politely told her that ducks laid eggs for a fact, but she insisted on telling me that ducks weren't even birds.

She was 13.
Eesh. My kids are 3 and 4 and they know that the little cluckers running around lay eggs and make yummy chicken dinner. The only problem with that is that at one point in time, in public, my four year old had a little chicken toy (one of those jelly type things on a string with a light up ball inside), he proceeded to show people how you kill chickens so you can eat them. I got a lot of weird looks. Ah well, their loss if they don't kill and eat their own chickens, lol.
i've actually been asked this more than once.....
i work in a vet hospital and a guy called up one night because his dog had a tick on it's belly. He'd been pulling on it for a while and now it's bleeding. i asked what it looked like and he said it was skin color. He said now that he looks more closely, there's eight ticks in two rows down the dogs belly and should he pull all of them off. he was starting to panic thinking his yard was infested with ticks. i told him he could relax since these were clearly not ticks but the dogs nipples. oooowwww!
Man - "my daughter won't eat eggs because there might be a baby chick inside. Do all eggs turn into baby chicks?"

Me - "Um, no, only if they're fertilized."

Man - "Are your eggs fertilized?"

Me - "Maybe"

Man - "do all fertilized eggs hatch?"

Me - "no, only if they are incubated *explains incubation*"

Man - "Ok, well how are they fertilized?"

Me - "Well, the chickens mate."

Man - "Oh"

I heard some people talking in the store:

Wife - "Honey, why are these brown eggs so much more expensive than the white eggs?"

Husband - "because roosters dont lay as many eggs as hens"
When I read some of these stories, I am scared to death for the future of our country and for humans in general. And I know these stories are TRUE because I meet people all the time that I'm quite certain could not find their way out of a wet grocery sack.

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