Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Man - "my daughter won't eat eggs because there might be a baby chick inside. Do all eggs turn into baby chicks?"

Me - "Um, no, only if they're fertilized."

Man - "Are your eggs fertilized?"

Me - "Maybe"

Man - "do all fertilized eggs hatch?"

Me - "no, only if they are incubated *explains incubation*"

Man - "Ok, well how are they fertilized?"

Me - "Well, the chickens mate."

Man - "Oh"

I heard some people talking in the store:

Wife - "Honey, why are these brown eggs so much more expensive than the white eggs?"

Husband - "because roosters dont lay as many eggs as hens"
oh gosh---I had the biggest giggle fit over this!!!

I got asked today by a girl I work with if chickens did "the humpty dump" (her words, I promise you--not mine) or if a rooster just came by and sprayed the eggs. She asked because I had explained that hens layed eggs, even without a rooster.
I have a duckling that is imprinted and I brought it to my brothers baseball game and my grandma asks, "well dont you have to give it milk?"

Another person asked, "why does it like you?"
I said, "because it is imprinted on me so it thinks I'm its mother."
The person said, "Oh thats what thats called! I've only heard of that in the twilight movies!"
I said "ya its actually a real thing"
oh i got one. This is probably the dumbest thing ever asked. I seriously felt like i needed to teach this person a lesson.

I was paired up in shop class with another girl and we were talking while working. i asked what animals she had and she said 2 dogs, then she asked what i had and i told her i had 9 ducks i hatched myself. then...I'm not kidding, she bluntly "corrected" me that ducks were mammals and that I'm stupid. I politely told her that ducks laid eggs for a fact, but she insisted on telling me that ducks weren't even birds.

She was 13.
Wonder what she would've said if you said you hatched a platypus..... .
Heres my Fave

So I'm talking to my friend at school

Friend in green ) " I hate my moms chickens,they stink"
"Huh? No..." i say

"Ya, havent you smelt there coop?"

"Okay fine, your dog smells"

"No she doesnt !"

"Go smell her poop, then smell your chicken coop, both smell"

" I'm not talking about the chickens POOP, I'm talking about their COOP"

"Fine, smell a chicken, then smell your dog after shes had fun rolling around in her poop. Tell me which one smells better"


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