Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

This is undoubtedly "Off-the-Subject" somewhat.....but, Yes....I've had a "City-Slicker" say something "Funny" to me.
( It wasn't about CHICKENS. )

On a Friday Evening, when I was in college in California, one of my college buddies ( from "Big-City" Boston, Massachusetts ) came into my dormitory room and asked me ( a Country-Boy from New Mexico ) ..."WHERE'S THE POTTY ?"

I looked at him sorta strangely ( I suppose )....and I replied, "It's down at the End of the Hall." ( That's where the Mensroom was located. )

"Not THAT !" he replied. "The Potty! The Potty tonight !!!"

I suddenly realized that the ignorant "City-Boy" was attempting to pronounce the word: PARTY

I laughed and said, "I don't know WHERE the Potty is !!!"

Ha-Ha !!!
So I had a vegan tell me I'm being cruel by collecting eggs-

I asked what to do with them instead.

I can leave then to hatch or rot a 6-20ish eggs a day that's between 42 and 140 chicks a week... and rotten eggs besides- I have a buget that can feed 40 birds... I guess they starve...

Or take them... for food for myself, my friends and family and pets.

She had no intelligent reply, instead she just repeated herself.

I would have liked an intelligent reply to talk about, instead I was just a monster...
You all know Easter egg chickens i asume.idont know the real name but the chickens lay colorful eggs any way....

I gave some eggs to some citie folks and they were getting worried if the easter bunnny realy is real,the daughter says "OH MY GOD!!! Easter came early this so glad the bunny pooped it out quicker this year. LOL!!! the expresion on everyones face was so funny

I have a niece who thinks I am an axe murderer because I raise and butcher my own chickens. I told her I don't use an axe. BTW, I have done nothing to alter her negative opinion of me. I rather like things the way they are. This is the niece who will eat KFC chicken, because, according to her, after Kentucky Fried Chicken changed its name to KFC, they no longer used real chickens. I had no idea what she was talking about until I went on the KFC website and found reference to an internet hoax saying KFC chickens were some mutant something or other. Apparently she swallowed it whole and I have never tried to correct her. She wouldn't believe me anyway.
I have a niece who thinks I am an axe murderer because I raise and butcher my own chickens. I told her I don't use an axe. BTW, I have done nothing to alter her negative opinion of me. I rather like things the way they are. This is the niece who will eat KFC chicken, because, according to her, after Kentucky Fried Chicken changed its name to KFC, they no longer used real chickens. I had no idea what she was talking about until I went on the KFC website and found reference to an internet hoax saying KFC chickens were some mutant something or other. Apparently she swallowed it whole and I have never tried to correct her. She wouldn't believe me anyway.
It wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't Chicken. There was a news article not too long ago. Apparently some local news station wanted to check the chemicals in fast food. They had a lab test taco bell and was surprised by the findings. There was zero meat of any kind in the Taco bell ground beef. It was silica (which is sand) whey protein and soy.

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That's not the article. Your link is an joke about cat meat in Taco bell. I'm talking about a real investigative news story. A real TV news station sent taco bell ground beef to a legit testing lab to test for MSG and other additives. The lab didn't expect to find what they did. Zero meat at all. Taco bells response was that their beef is a mix of ingredients and the beef contents should be around 30 percent. They say the meat must have been mixed improperly at the factory.


Found it, here is the Reuters article


I dug around for a while. I think Taco Bell made people pull the original article that actually listed the ingredients that the lab actually found. However I can still find vague articles listing the law suit and the general facts. Its not meat, its textured soy protein and silica which is sand byproduct.
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I have a niece who thinks I am an axe murderer because I raise and butcher my own chickens. I told her I don't use an axe. BTW, I have done nothing to alter her negative opinion of me. I rather like things the way they are. This is the niece who will eat KFC chicken, because, according to her, after Kentucky Fried Chicken changed its name to KFC, they no longer used real chickens. I had no idea what she was talking about until I went on the KFC website and found reference to an internet hoax saying KFC chickens were some mutant something or other. Apparently she swallowed it whole and I have never tried to correct her. She wouldn't believe me anyway.

I happen to LOVE KFC Extra Crispy breasts, they are superb. Juicy, tender and lots of meat. Church's Chicken, on the other hand, must use breasts from chickens that have died of malnutrition, because you're lucky if there's even one bite of meat on those pathetic things.
Thats not the article. Your link is an joke about cat meat in Taco bell. Im talking about a real investigative news story. A real TV news station sent taco bell ground beef to a legit testing lab to test for MSG and other additives. The lab didn't expect to find what they did. Zero meat at all. Taco bells response was that their beef is a mix of ingredients and the beef contents should be around 30 percent. They say the meat must have been mixed improperly at the factory.


Found it, here is the reuters article
Your news articles are over a year old, and only show that a lawsuit has been filed. And BTW, even the articles you quote say NOTHING about no beef whatsoever, what nether-region did you pull that from? SURPRISE, anybody can file a lawsuit against anyone for anything! I think something came out in the news this spring on the subject of Taco Bell meat, with TB saying that their ground beef was about 15% "other stuff".

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