Funny sayings and turn-of-phrase....

State history needs to be taught but it is not here. I dont figure most people even in Tn would get the way the quote is used without knowing its history.
and that is one of the things that really irked me when we lived in Georgia. We moved back to Alabama, they teach state history here.

My former math teacher when asked how he was doing "Finer than a greased frog hair split five ways."

When I was younger everytime someone would sneeze my grandfather would say "Scat cat you got your tail in the gravy."

When it's hot someone might say "It's hotter than six shades of hades."
I heard a great one recently...

All young people sow their wild oats, and then they come home and pray for crop failure.

I really like this one... I came across a marriage quote this morning that fits in with this.

"The first time you buy a house you look at the beautiful kitchen and bathrooms and say I'll take it! The second time you look for termites in the basement."
Kind of reminds me of the boat owners quote:

The two happiest days in a boat owners life are the day they got the boat and the day they sold it.
All I want is a sit-on-top fishing kayak! Most likely so I can admire it in the garage and bemoan gas prices to the nearest lake.
Marry in haste, regret at your leisure

I'm on it like white on rice.

Life is like a box of chocolates. It doesn't last as long for fat people. (

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