GA - Contest for eggs - Celebrating post 1000 & BYC WINNER ANNOUNCED

It is hard to brag on yourself isnt it?

But, if we dont get on board then we will be ruining the great thing that "bargain" is trying to do so I will give myself a small shoutout.

I met a local mom and teenage daughter through Craigslist. They wanted to start some chicks but have never done any incubating before so they were looking for some inexpensive eggs to try out.

They came out this morning and I gave them an awesome deal on 6 Mottled Cochin eggs and 6 Japanese Blacktail eggs and threw in a pair of JapBlkTail 3 week old chicks...all for 5$.

And....i signed them up for BYC! Told them how awesome everyone here is and how to find great local chicken folks and 'meet' chicken lovers all over the world!

I need to make money from my chickens as I am recently unemployed but sometimes just making someone happy is more important than making money.

So, this is my good deed for the day. Cant wait to hear all of yours!
Hmmm... I do it because it makes me feel good-that and I think God will be pleased with me when I finally meet my maker:) Everytime I do a good deed-he sends something good to me-so I keep giving everytime I can! Sharing his happiness and love!

I have given eggs away on here for free-shipping and all. So many stories break my heart. I've heard coops burning down-losing huge bathes of eggs-animals killing off whole flocks-diseases whiping out all birds. I cannot help everyone but when I can I offer free eggs-totally free to BYC members. They don't even have to ask-I ask them if it will help them-some take me up on it some don't. I have gifted a BYC memeber GFM-all though they don't know it yet-their membership hasn't ran out-I gave them 1 more year:) I gave away my only 16 week old barred cochin pair to a BYCer who fell in love with them-as a gift. I've only been a memeber for 3 monthsish and I love it. I know someday I'll be able to do more and I can't wait!
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I dont want to enter as I have not had the pleasure of being able to help a fellow BYC'r. I just want to share how others have helped me start up this amazing hobby. I love reading all these stories.

A fellow BYC'r gave me my first 2 chicks, for FREE. They are Black mottled Duccle's. She couldn't have roosters and ended up with one. He has a clubbed foot so she threw in his sister. She even gave me some chick starter and chick grit as well as their vitamins, again all for free. I was all set. All I had to do was get them home and in the brooder. I'm so thankful to her and I love the chicks she gave me.

I have also been offered a dozen hatching eggs from another wonderful BYC'r for only the cost of shipping, when we are ready for them.

My chickens still have a few months before they will start laying, but I'm trying to become NPIP certified so that when they do start laying I can offer free or dirt cheap hatching eggs on here. I can't wait to pay it forward and help others who are just starting out, starting over or just want more chickens.

I love this site and all the nice people here.

Congratulations on 1000 posts Bargain! And thanks for being so kind to offer free eggs.
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I can't really say that I have made a big contribution to this site. I made chicken saddles and gave them away in a couple contests. Not much but it was what I could do in my part to 'help pass on the giving'.

I have come out for the better by being on here. I have learned more than I thought I could ever know about chickens. Even more importantly than that, I found a site with nice people. I have been a member of a couple other sites that weren't pleasant to be a part of and some got just down right nasty to each other. This site is not like that at all. It is very friendly and helpful and the people on this site are so generous and loving! I think the whole world should be a little bit more like BYC
condratulations Nancy on your 1000th, I'm fortunate and blessed to be so close to good BYC'rs like yourself. Sorry to all of you that are not as lucky as myself to have 10+ BYC'rs within 30 minute drive. Having said that, I will see you (bargain) tomorrow for some homemade ice cream. yyyuuuummmmy !!!!!!!!
I would like to nominate PurpleChicken. Several weeks ago he had to cull his
entire flock due to disease.

I think he showed incredible kindness to all of BYC by having the guts
to video himself and let us hear his message on what was surely a horrible
and painful day. I definately learned a lesson from his mistakes and I'm
sure others did as well. From all of his posts that I've read, he seems like
a great guy who now needs a new flock!!
This made me cry. I know that we are not to do kind things to gain the reward of man, but this story is so inspiring to love one another and too meet needs where they are needed. **Sniff** I can tell I am going to be crying through this whole thread. Good luck to you for having to choose one to win.

I invite everyone to just go out and pour some love on someone, today!

Love Wins,
I'm just a guy with a big heart. I literally have little to give, other than advice & shared life experience. By this time next year I'm hoping to be able to share eggs from my self blue bantams(powder blue) & Samatrans, with other folks that have an empty wallet & incubator to match. I'd also like to put together a chicken egg swap in Columbia County NY. It would be a great oppertunity to bring people together. By the way, If you give me the eggs I'll give away half the chicks to someone on BYC. We'll preplan someing like this a few days before the hatch, So they can be shipped as day old
the kindest thing anyone here on BYC has done for me? seriously it would be an eleventy-billion way tie!
is there a page that long?
so many things from small to ginormous have been 'life savers' that i would change my choice every few seconds!

the kindest thing i have ever done for someone here on BYC? i am not sure this counts, but i will give it a go...i recently had a little contest for winning a tin of cookies. we picked the winners and sent the cookies off. it was a fun time.
we received a pm from a byc member that wanted to purchase a tin of cookies. i wasn't sure what it was all about so i asked a bunch of questions and found out that he looked at the cookies as a box of comfort.
he had experienced several very hard years with loss of family, loss of personal self, nothing left for them anymore. just give, give, give. he needed something 'special' for himself. he no longer was him, he was a nurse, husband, brother etc, but not 'Brian'. He just needs to be Brian for a few minutes with a chocolate chip cookie and a coffee.
i told him that NO i would NOT sell him a tin of cookies. i WOULD however send him some as a gift.

our common bond is poultry, but that can change. the constant is that we are all human and all have breaking points, emotions that are real and we deal with real life somewhere. 'Brian' was dealing with a whole lot of real life for a whole long time and he reached out taking a risk. whether i get a prize or not here, my prize on earth is that my kids are learning that when one is down the other is to lift him up. my prize in heaven will be crowns that i will lay back down at Jesus' feet.

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