GA - Contest for eggs - Celebrating post 1000 & BYC WINNER ANNOUNCED

Oh my goodness. I don't know if I'll be able to read these but once a day as I cannot stop crying over the kindness! What we've experienced from BYC is certainly not isolated but abundantly clear how widespread kindness is. I thank God for your kindness and most of all His Supreme kindness and gift of Life Forever to our family.

Well, spread the word that the contest is here.

I wish BYC would highlight just a few of these heartfelt stories.....on the summary page....

Have a blessed day. I'm on the way to buy more kleenex before the next reading.
I would like to nominate Hippichick.
When I lost my sebright pullet...and was looking for more...she told me she had some and invited me to her place. When I arrived there..HOLY SMOKES!! LOL She and her DH were very nice...we talked for hrs. (sorry again LOL) We made our way to the chicks...I picked out the ones I wanted to purchase....3 golden sebrights, 2 silkies, 1 black bantam...When I asked her how much I owed her...she told me don't worry about it! I got the cutest chicks ever...for free!!! Thanks Paula!!!
Thank you so much, Mary. That is so sweet of you. Just made my day. I was happy to do it, and I hope your babies are doing well. And I enjoyed the visit as much as you did!

Bargain, this is such a nice thing for you to do-especially since your eggs are awesome! I had almost a 100% hatch on your RIRs about a month ago, and they're growing like crazy.

I'd like to nominate BamaChicken. When I was looking to start a flock of BBS Orps last fall, I was having a hard time getting any shipped eggs to hatch. Julie was nice enough to offer to ship me young Orps. I didn't even ask. Now they're grown and I'm hatching babies from my own eggs! Julie is just an all-around good person, and I'm happy to call her my friend. Thank you so much for all your help, Julie!
S&N Livestock :

Thanks to everyone i have had 2 long days and more to come im sure ill try to post some pics tomarrow after i get back from the lawyers from dealing with my boys mom it never ends when does a guy just say enough and give up im not there yet but dang i loose a barn alot of chickens and stuff then the ex trying to take my boy back like i saifd it never ends.dont mean to go on about my problems but just needed to vent a bit anyways Thanks Again to everyone


I would like to nominate S&N Livestock again, because not only did the barn burn down...but now this too...​
I dont usually pat myself on the back but we will see how far my arm reaches.

When LickSkillet lost 17 birds to her neighbors dog attacking her and her daughters flock, I was in tears as I read. I was completely mortified. I immediately PM'd her and offered her some buff orp eggs from my 2 ladies. At first she turned me down, but then she accepted. I was glad I could help. I didnt have many to send her (one went on strike!) so when I went to PoultryLady 's house to purchase her bator, I told her the story and she gave me some eggs to send her. *nod for PoultryLady*

I am not sure how many in all hatched, but it was just something I felt I needed to do.

Thanks bargain for doing this. And congrats on the milestone!
When we found out our oldest son is going deaf, I was quite beside myself with trying to cram a lifetime of music and sounds into this summer. When Evan told me he liked the "song" that the Coturnix quails make, I mentioned it on a thread where some quail people were talking about the crowing. Uglyducky offered to send Evan some eggs so he could hatch them, and hear them while he still can hear. Tonight the first 3 of them hatched, and he is happier than he's been since we told him he was going deaf.

There is no way to describe how it makes me feel to know that people care about my little man, and that they are willing to help his city-raised mom hatch him some birds. I called one at 11PM to ask how to free one that was stuck in the membrane, they were happy I called and talked me through 30 touchy minutes.
OK-I cannot in all fairness try to enter this contest with all the others on BYC who are in greater need for these eggs-and have many more acts of kindness than I have done on my own-I nominate whoever gets the most nominations-I cannot choose, they all sound like they deserve them-good luck everyone-I wish you the best with all your situations-my prayers are with you all-Natalie~
Just a quick check in to say to each of you thank you so much for the caring and sharing. I feel so sorry for anyone who's not on BYC. It's the wonderful BYC effect!

Have a blessed day!
Bargin Please consider givng eggs to MichaelMay26. He is one of our younger members He recently posted this. Its always good to encourge the younger ones to start a new hobby

can any body please send me 4 amercana ! or 2 day old pullets(pips&peeps?) for a low price like a dollar each and shipping like 10 dollars?i would be grateful for any that is willind to make a deal with me.i will pm and email you when is a good time to send them if you have any.

Thanks even if you dont give 4!


Last edited by michaelmay26 (Today 8:36 pm)

hi my name is michael. i am getting amercana chicks in august."when your being run over by cars and you see a light,poke it with a stick--

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