Girls don't like "treats"??


It sounds like you're feeding corn and scratch as their main food? If so, you don't want to do that. Get good quality crumbles or pellets (Purina Flockraiser for example). Corn is like candy for them and not good in the summer as it will raise their body temperature. Treats should be less than 10% of their overall intake. You'll also want to make sure you have grit available. Most people will have a separate dish of oyster shell available, not mixed in with the food...less waste and flipping of food/oyster on the ground.

Looks like some pretty birds. Not sure what kind of predators you have in your area but you may want to put some coop/run security upgrades on your list of things to do.

As far as treats, mine love grapes, raisins, mealworms (or dried black soldier fly larvae), watermelon, yogurt, cheese, tomatoes, etc. They can be scared of everything at first (mine were terrified of watermelon) but once the first hen digs in, it's game on. Good luck with them!
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I think they meant to say "bought 'Scratch and Peck' layer feed"....
It sounds like you're feeding corn and scratch as their main food?  If so, you don't want to do that.  Get good quality crumbles or pellets (Purina Flockraiser for example).  Corn is like candy for them and not good in the summer as it will raise their body temperature.  Treats should be less than 10% of their overall intake.  You'll also want to make sure you have grit available.  Most people will have a separate dish of oyster shell available, not mixed in with the food...less waste and flipping of food/oyster on the ground.

Looks like some pretty birds.  Not sure what kind of predators you have in your area but you may want to put some coop/run security upgrades on your list of things to do.  

As far as treats, mine love grapes, raisins, mealworms (or dried black soldier fly larvae), watermelon, yogurt, cheese, tomatoes, etc.  They can be scared of everything at first (mine were terrified of watermelon) but once the first hen digs in, it's game on.  Good luck with them!

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