goats wont quit crying over their dogs.

Have you checked your yard and home for possible sources of poison?

his paticular neighbor got mad at me last week because the first one dug a hole under her fence to play with her dogs and i apologized, offered to fix the hole and fixed our fence. then i kept seeing her out there poking around, and then she would go in and look out her living room window which faces our back yard..

If your neighbor has dogs, she might really hesitate to put poison out, in case her own dogs accidentally got to it. She could have been trying to fix the fence or put up a barrier from her side of it, in order to try to protect her own dogs. Hard to be sure.

You may want to check for possible sources of poison in your own yard for safety's sake:

-antifreeze (look for drips under cars as well as other sources)

-rodent poison (including the dead animals that have eaten the poison - if a dog eats those, they will also die)


-Xylitol (in tons of products that say 'sugar free', including sugarless gums)

-raisins - it is surprising, but eating enough of these can kill a dog

and many more, but those are the ones I think of right away.​
we looked all over the yard several times..it doesnt help that we had that snow storm..the yard is flooded and we didnt find anything unusual.
i cant really get the dogs tested because one has been buried for 4 days and the other one was finally picked up by the pound after sitting in a plastic bag in the sun all day.
we rearranged out fence because i dont want my goats to be next on the list, thats for sure!!! and i have seen her several times trying to play with the goats through the fence. i just hope they will be ok...ive never seen anything as sad as that before, but they have the neighborhood kids outside with them now playing with them at least.

bad but funny! thank you though everyone...it helps to be able to really get through things like this. i never liked dogs until i joined this site and actually started learning about them. its just not even the same without them here. and with the goats crying, it makes me feel even worse!
I have tears in my eyes when I read this. My neighbor...thank goodness would not poison my pets but she did come over and complain about my turkys....my turkeys were visitng her house on a daily babis and eating her dog food and her calf food....she got 8 new calves about a month ago and kept feeding them every day and she said - wow these calves are doing really well - they are eating alot of food! Well she stayed home from work one day and figured out it was not her calves...it was my turkies!

so I sold them!
You could bake a little Mother In Law plant in a cake-just kidding. That stuff makes your tongue swell so you can't talk.

I think I would invest in a hot wire on top and along the inside of your fence about 12 inches in should work. That way, she won't be able to touch your goats or your dogs (if you have more). Then I might set up a security camera on the area near the fence. You can get them of under $100. and a film of her activities, and a camera pointed in her direction might cause her to shape up.
Oh, had another idea. As a good neighbor you can go over to warn her about your dogs being poisoned, and watch her expression. If she did it, you may be able to read her face/reaction, if she didn't then you are just being a good neighbor.
I think this is an amazing idea and I would totally do it. Go over really somber and if you can get teary, do it and tell her that you just wanted to let her know that your dogs suddenly dropped dead and you're sure it was poisoning of some kind. Make it seem like you are just worried about her dogs. Judge her reaction.
I would have my dog at the vet the moment he was frothing at the mouth and there would have been a necropsy done.
I found a piece of glass in the yard & meant to throw over the fence,but instead it hit the top rail & bounced back in.Before I could do anything my dog ate it.She died a day or 2 later & it was just as you've explained your dogs.Bleeding out her backside.So it may have not been poisoning they could have been fed glass.
Awww... that's so sad!

I really like the idea of going over to your neighbors house and "warning" them about your dogs being poisoned. You can make it sound like you suspect SOMEONE, but don't say you suspect her. Watch her expression and see if it gives something away.

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