Guess I'm done breeding chickens... got a letter from the city

I am so so sorry to hear about this.
I cannot even image.
I have a feeling that some of us have been too open about our personal information. Any compliance officer looking to justify their position just has to check these chicken pages to find a sub rosa coop to bust. We need to be more discrete. We need to introduce some disinfomation. We need to lie about where we live.

For the record, my name is Earl and I live in Omaha.

Remember, the BTK killer was a compliance officer.

So sorry you are going though this Mahonri. I can't imagine how you feel.

When I was a kid, our neighbors planted one of those huge, mutant/hybrid trees that grow enormous within 5 years. They planted it right on the fence line and the roots started to get very close to the pool (not to mention the never ending mess of leaves). My parents tried everything to kill that tree to no avail--until one day I came home from school to find a dug-up, exposed root from that tree with a 12 gauge IV needle in it and an IV bag hanging from our fence full of Roundup. My father's a pathologist so go figure. Within a week that tree looking very yellow and within a month the neighbors had arborists in the yard removing it. Just an idea
I sure do feel bad for you. It is just awful having to part with your chickens because of a neighbor.
Maybe you can do some breeding by taking a few hens to the place where your chickens went and AI'ing them. That should last for 2 to 3 weeks. Collect the eggs and incubate them. That way you can keep giving advice and updates on your chickens.
I understand the neighbor issues. When we lived in the big city we had neighbors kids who stayed up all night partying and playing loud music right next to our bedroom. We asked them to keep it down once we came home from the hospital with our new baby and had to on many occasions report them. Every time she was a sleep they would wake her up. A lot different than your circumstances but still issues between neighbors. Also we got reported for not mowing our lawn and had to pay $75.00 fine (both of us were working 60+ hours weekly and the lawn just had to wait or mow in the dark). I bet it was our neighbor who complained about our lawn. Same neighbor had a weed killer service come out and they killed my Hollyhocks that were against my house on our property. Looked like weeds in the beginning of growth. It takes 2 years to get good hollyhocks. I was sure mad.

We are so glad to be in the country and far away from neighbors. Neighbors are wonderful to have not just so close like in the big cities. Neighbors are not always respectful of others properties either. Good Luck!

Hope everything works out for you.
So sorry you are going though this Mahonri. I can't imagine how you feel.

When I was a kid, our neighbors planted one of those huge, mutant/hybrid trees that grow enormous within 5 years. They planted it right on the fence line and the roots started to get very close to the pool (not to mention the never ending mess of leaves). My parents tried everything to kill that tree to no avail--until one day I came home from school to find a dug-up, exposed root from that tree with a 12 gauge IV needle in it and an IV bag hanging from our fence full of Roundup. My father's a pathologist so go figure. Within a week that tree looking very yellow and within a month the neighbors had arborists in the yard removing it. Just an idea

We had a neighbor who worm infested apple tree hung WAY over our fence. We couldn't drive under it with the lawn mower and it dropped nasty apples each year. He didn't want us touching it nor would he do anything about it. So one day we took a chain saw and "trimmed" it even with the fence line.
And that's totally legal. Nothin wrong with it.

At my other house we had one of those weed trees that grows overnight and it's roots came through our fence and weirdness but one of the roots sprouted another tree...we sawed that rightdown and wouldn't you know it...the whole tree died. Well, they had a company come out eventually and fell it but the parts they felled on my side of the fce...they never came and chopped up or removed. And they were huge peices too. For the most part they are good neighbors but that wasn't cool. The good thing that came out of it...the garden that always had been there since I was a had full sun back.
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And that's totally legal. Nothin wrong with it.

At my other house we had one of those weed trees that grows overnight and it's roots came through our fence and weirdness but one of the roots sprouted another tree...we sawed that rightdown and wouldn't you know it...the whole tree died. Well, they had a company come out eventually and fell it but the parts they felled on my side of the fce...they never came and chopped up or removed. And they were huge peices too. For the most part they are good neighbors but that wasn't cool. The good thing that came out of it...the garden that always had been there since I was a had full sun back.

In California, that is totally ILLEGAL. The house next to us is foreclosed and they have a big tree with limbs over the fence, ON our shed. We talked to multiple arborists, and none would touch it without permission from the bank. It is apparently a slam dunk loss if you are taken to court.

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