Guess I'm done breeding chickens... got a letter from the city

Glad you will all get to know Boston as he also has my FBCM stock and Meg's EEs.

Still no inspector, but I'm ready.

I was thinking of buying one of those silent dog whistles so that when they bring there dogs into the back yard, I can blow it and make them bark louder than they usually and then record it for the city attorney.

And my Bose is real loud so I can put it in my bathroom window that faces their yard and then Cyn's roos can crow for 5 or 10 minutes every morning at 6AM, that will make my former roos sound quiet.handle and then I'll be able to get airborn and fly again"
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I have read alot of your hatching posts. I am sorry you had to give away alot of your chickens. Sounds like it is over here too that all it takes is one painful neighbour to throw a spanner in the works. I am so glad I am on acerage and I can do as I please with my hens and roosters but if you live "in town" here there is a no rooster rule. Have seen lots of roosters in town and no one seems to mind until you get that one neighbour that complains.

Boston you have my birds. I want them back.

Oh OK.....keep them, but I hope Mahonri gets visiting privledges.

Oh and
from Kim in California.

You have some nice birds and I hope you enjoy them and can work a bit with Mahonri to continue with the lines.

Mahonri, you need to find a place so you can have birds again. At least then you'll be able to hatch out more from your originals since you know Boston. In the meantime. Keep fighting those jerks!
Well the inspector came by, said everything looked great, looked for a roo, couldn't find any.

Said within 10 days I need an affidavit signed and notarized by my neighbors on the east giving me permission to keep the hens, otherwise I need to say goodbye to the hens.

He said straight out, that it wasn't my neighbors on the east who made the complaint... (but I'm thinking it may have been their daughter)... any ways...I'm going over with some eggs, I'll ask him if he AND his wife will sign the affidavit, if he says yes, I'll know they weren't the complainants and I'll take a notary over to have them sign it.

If he says no, then I'm done with chickens.

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