Had two dogs, older dog passed...


Chicken Lover, Duck Therapist
6 Years
Mar 11, 2017
South Park, Colorado, USA
I've never been in the position before and I know every dog is different, but wondering if some of you can share your experiences. I had two dogs. The elder dog recently passed away. Now I have only one dog. This dog has lived with the elder dog for 8 years, since she was a 6 week old pup. She doesn't know life any other way. I'm really not sure what to expect in terms to her adapting to being the only dog, or being without her big sister/mama figure dog, etc. They were buddies and spent virtually 24 hours a day together the last 8 years. I'm not entirely sure she gets it yet, though she has been having us open the front door quite a bit and then not going outside, like she wants us to let the other dog back inside or something.
Aw, I'm sorry for your loss. When our older dog passed our pup was only 18 weeks old, so I'm sure it will be different for you. I would just spend lots of time with her, maybe take her on some special walks, to a dog park, play with her. Are you planning on getting another dog? I'm sure that would help.
Congrats! I think she'll be ok, she'll just need time to adjust. The new baby might help, something new. :confused:
I am so sorry you lost your dog. :hugs

Unfortunately I have been in that position before. Yes recently too.

My younger dogs mourn the loss and do look for the missing pack member. It takes about 3 months for it to fully pass.

The most recent loss was my old guy Jack. He was struggling to get up and my other dogs knew he was not well. They were checking on him often and would nudge him to try and get him to stand up. They knew. I tell you that because when he passed they did not spend as much time looking for him as they did his brother when he passed suddenly.
I agree she probably knows something was wrong, but it'll still be an adjustment for her. Just spend as much time with her as you can to help her through this period.

We always added another dog ASAP so I've never seen any signs of mourning, but up until our most recent dogs none of our dogs were best buddies and more like roommates.

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