Hands down, what is a chickens FAVORITE food/treat/scraps?

yeah but do you have to cook it ? we save the water from cooking it and drink it or give rest water to chickens.. also save lots of the steamed water from nightly prolifrient" Ky Wonder "pole beans or steaming nightly my now gone yellow squash or zukes etc... If I remember to set the timer and not let the bottom of my steamer pan go dry....while multi tasking
have not eaten even cabbage or greens lately cause God keeps brinnging on the pole beans. Hubby is "GREEN beaned Out", he says... Not me..... LOL
Any pasta or form of bread, cereal, watermelon, mealworms, regular worms, wet chicken food, oatmeal, grapes, sunflower seeds, and cooked/non-cooked eggs.
yeah but do you have to cook it ? we save the water from cooking it and drink it or give rest water to chickens.. also save lots of the steamed water from nightly prolifrient" Ky Wonder "pole beans or steaming nightly my now gone yellow squash or zukes etc... If I remember to set the timer and not let the bottom of my steamer pan go dry....while multi tasking
have not eaten even cabbage or greens lately cause God keeps brinnging on the pole beans. Hubby is "GREEN beaned Out", he says... Not me..... LOL
First, I'm green beaned out from our garden, not my hubby, loves them and pickles them.

Second: You don't have to cook kale, they eat it raw. I put it into one of those bird bell balls and hook it onto the fence, or I just toss it on the ground.
brocilli has been a big fav witht he chickens and they were chomping down the cooked taters last night, apples, kale, lettuce, cabbage, most green goodies, dandilions, grass weeds bugs lotsa bugs some like worms others turn there beak up today they are getting pumkin and oatmeal cooked with applebits and some yogurt mixed in for thanksgiving treat:)

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