*Heat Of Battle*A Warrior Cat Role Play

Quote: "No problem. Anything for my sister's best friend." Waterfrost meowed and padded off over to the entrance of the nursery, where she sat down and watched the kits playing.
Flamepaw smiled after her and padded over to Rainpaw and Ravenpaw. "So what are we going to do about Brambleheart?" he asked.
Quote: Featherkit mewled happily and then padded over to the other she-kits, quickly glancing back at Leavekit and smiling. Then she turned back to the other kits and squealed with delight as she watched them play.
Leopardkit laughed and pushed Smokekit off, then lightly pounced on Smokekit and batted at her tail.
Cricketkit bounced in excitement "She might!" then his tail drooped "Or, Amberpool and Waterfrost might get so mad they make us have to wait until we're 10 moons to be apprentices!" he said.
Brambleheart padded out of camp quietly and headed toward the ThornClan border. She had caught a fat rabbit and had it swinging in her jaws and she steped over the border and crossed through the camp into Oakstar's den. She dropped the rabbit at his paws and sat down. "I have important news, Father. I have been given and apprentice, Thornpaw." she said then her voice became hinted with worry "What do I do? Do I try to get him to go to ThornClan? I don't know what to do!" she meowed.
Featherkit mewled happily and then padded over to the other she-kits, quickly glancing back at Leavekit and smiling. Then she turned back to the other kits and squealed with delight as she watched them play.
Leopardkit laughed and pushed Smokekit off, then lightly pounced on Smokekit and batted at her tail.
Cricketkit bounced in excitement "She might!" then his tail drooped "Or, Amberpool and Waterfrost might get so mad they make us have to wait until we're 10 moons to be apprentices!" he said.
Brambleheart padded out of camp quietly and headed toward the ThornClan border. She had caught a fat rabbit and had it swinging in her jaws and she steped over the border and crossed through the camp into Oakstar's den. She dropped the rabbit at his paws and sat down. "I have important news, Father. I have been given and apprentice, Thornpaw." she said then her voice became hinted with worry "What do I do? Do I try to get him to go to ThornClan? I don't know what to do!" she meowed.

Hey this is just an idea but what if when Snowkit and Cricketkit sneak out they find Brambleheart visiting ThornClan? Just an idea.
Featherkit mewled happily and then padded over to the other she-kits, quickly glancing back at Leavekit and smiling. Then she turned back to the other kits and squealed with delight as she watched them play.
Leopardkit laughed and pushed Smokekit off, then lightly pounced on Smokekit and batted at her tail.
Cricketkit bounced in excitement "She might!" then his tail drooped "Or, Amberpool and Waterfrost might get so mad they make us have to wait until we're 10 moons to be apprentices!" he said.
Brambleheart padded out of camp quietly and headed toward the ThornClan border. She had caught a fat rabbit and had it swinging in her jaws and she steped over the border and crossed through the camp into Oakstar's den. She dropped the rabbit at his paws and sat down. "I have important news, Father. I have been given and apprentice, Thornpaw." she said then her voice became hinted with worry "What do I do? Do I try to get him to go to ThornClan? I don't know what to do!" she meowed.

Leavekit felt jealousy flash in his mind but quickly pushed it out. He ran to join his sister and her friends.

Smokekit smiled as she turned and tackled Featherkit.

"Oh don't be such a kit!" Snowkit stiffs. "I've always wanted to go out of camp and now is our chance! No one will know that we are gone." He added.

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