Heating a plastic bucket nipple waterer ?

I have had no problems with 100 watts of aquarium heater up to -15 this winter already. So I see no problem with a 250 watt heater working at -25. Why have a heater 4 to 6 times as costly( watt wise) when a smaller one will do.
So far running the 100 watt acquarium heater in the 3 gallon water nipple bucket has worked great, and have it on a timer
and it comes on for 6 hour cycles twice a day. So far no ICE in the bucket, and we have been down to 0 f for a few night already.

Those amazon heaters mentioned look interesting, so I might check one of those out if I ever decide to do a larger water holding
tank, and a tubed nipple run into the coop.
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Here is what I've been doing for my first winter. Its a 250 w submersible bird bath heater. 3 nipples installed in the bucket. So far so good. It has been warm here so no real test. I run a 100" 14 ga. extension cord wwith a waterproof cord lock that I keep off the ground. I'll post after a few freezes.
Good luck
I was looking at one of these online yesterday because I'm thinking of trying the 5 gallon bucket with the nipple waterers. My only concern for using these indoors is that some water will end up on the coop floor and make a mess. Does anyone use this setup outside all year long?

Let us know how this heater works in a 5 gallon bucket.


This is interesting to me too. I have my buckets inside the covered runs, not inside the coop. I prefer to do it this way and keep the inside of the coop as dry as possible. Though it still gets damp from the chickens themselves.
I am wondering if an aquarium pump with a bubble tube would keep the water from freezing? (as in, moving water does not freeze unless it gets REALLY cold?)
I see your set up but not the deicers in the buckets.

Sorry the pics were taken in the summer. The chord of the heater is tied to the hose and hangs in the bucket.
I couldnt find this using the link --for want of better options am still using a heated dog's bucket for the HennyPennys. . Must be monitored for cleanliness and water level, and they need a wood block step beside it to reach down in the bucket. But it works and the cord is rat proof. Avoid at all costs a seemingly wonderful product (chicken-waterer) on Home Hardware. Worst designed product I have ever seen.

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