hens or roosters?

Hello! I bought these two beauties today and I'm hoping that they are girlies :) They are about 14 weeks old and are possibly an Easter Egger and a Copper Maran or mix. One is bearded and they are quite large for their age. They are quite skittish so I have some work to do with them, Any idea what breed and gender they could be? Sadly their previous owner's coop has been under attack by a crafty fox and she decided to sell her flock until she figures out how to deal with the situation. Thank you!

Thanks for your comment! I hope they pullets so I can keep them and I love the easter egger and copper maran breeds.
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The rest of them look like 10+ week old pullets to me.

Thank goodness! Loosing one will be hard enough. Thanks.
Well, I think I need your expert opinions! Do you think Princess Zelda might be a Roo? She is making some really awful sounds in the morning, not so much a cock a doodle doo but more like a cat dying?! I am quite attached and really hoping we can keep her if she is a Roo. I am allowed where I live but wouldn't want to upset my neighbors :( I will try to upload some newer pics but these are from about 2 weeks ago! She/he is quite a big bigger than the others, she/he is a Black Australorp and quite friendly.

(This last one was taken about a week ago.)

Thanks all!
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