hens or roosters?

Can anyone tell me any ideas about sex on these chicks? They're all 9 weeks old. The single one in the second pic is the one I'm most worried about, because "she" is my favorite. :) thanks!

At 9 weeks, I'd say they were all pullets. A better pic of the buff one would give us a better idea on him/her.
How do you know the red one is a boy? I only ask because I have 3 girls that look just like him.
Please help! I need to know if my beans is a rooster ): I will have to rehome beans because we can't have roosters in our neighborhood ):


On close inspection of your pics I see a tiny redenning of comb and wattles. Which can be normal for hens at a certain age to start growing. What age/breed is beans? My roo at 3 weeks had a much larger redder comb and wattles but it may vary by breed.

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