Homemade GUMP Bread - best I've found! **New pics added on pg. 5**

Ha, there will be no stopping you now! Great job!! I think you are having too much fun!

I am having fun. I got a new Kitchen Aid and I am going nuts with it. I just baked my first cake from scratch, and here in a little bit I am gonna make Jalepeno Cheese Gump Bread, and I made cinnamon rolls this morning.
Thanks to Debi - Gump bread is now a big hit in Iowa (haven't read the whole thread yet so maybe someone else here is making it)

I made it in bread pans the first time and this time I am doing cookie sheets, The second loaf was going to be cinnamon rolls but my husband begged me to leave it in a loaf form.
So now it is cinnamon bread instead of rolls
I made Italian Gump Bread by adding fresh grated parmesan cheese and garlic/Italian spices to the last roll-up part. And I made cheesy jalepeno Gump Bread by adding fresh chopped japs and some cheddar. YUMMO!!!

DS (9) is pounding a blob as I type. He's a purist, though, He prefers nothing added in his loaves.

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