
I know I'm on the horse "channel" (LOL) and I don't have horses, however, are any of you near London Mills, Illinois? Have a friend here in NC with horses and is getting delayed in moving and needs boarding for the time being. Really don't know the details of what she has but I saw her question on FB and thought I'd go by my BYC boards to ask.
I know I'm on the horse "channel" (LOL) and I don't have horses, however, are any of you near London Mills, Illinois? Have a friend here in NC with horses and is getting delayed in moving and needs boarding for the time being. Really don't know the details of what she has but I saw her question on FB and thought I'd go by my BYC boards to ask.
Sorry, I thought coming to a board with horse people would be more appropriate!
I know I'm on the horse "channel" (LOL) and I don't have horses, however, are any of you near London Mills, Illinois? Have a friend here in NC with horses and is getting delayed in moving and needs boarding for the time being. Really don't know the details of what she has but I saw her question on FB and thought I'd go by my BYC boards to ask.

So she is needing boarding in Illinois? The mention of NC is kind of muddying up the waters as to just what it is you are asking/your friend is needing
Sorry, I have not been on in FOREVER! SO busy! So what is going on? How are y'all?

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