
So she is needing boarding in Illinois? The mention of NC is kind of muddying up the waters as to just what it is you are asking/your friend is needing
I really needed to find out the details.... my friend here in NC is the one who posted the need but it was for a young lady who lives in London Mills, Ill. This young lady is hoping to find a place to board her one horse... If anyone on here is near London Mills......she needs a helping hands. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!
My mom's poor mare pulled a shoe off and took a chunk of her hoof off.
Hello! So I have never been on this thread before so I hope it is okay I am asking a question...
So my horse has been lame on her left frond leg for almost a week we were going to have the vet out way before this but he was closed. She appeared to be getting a lot better yesterday it was almost back to normal. Today however it is the worse it has been. She is still fairly fine with putting weight on it but does not like moving it, like hear lower nee joint... has anyone had something like this happen before? Please help!
I'm glad u are getting the vet out, but until then the best thing to do is put a soft bedding in her stall to take some of the shock away. Keep her stalled. The less movement to better until u know what's going on. Liment is good to rub on her joints if you are thinking it's her knee area. Also ice packs will probally help her. Is there any swelling?
Have you checked the hoofs for tender areas or stones or abscesses? Just keep her calm, stalled, and a padded flooring and you could do the ice or liment. I would not wrap it b/c depending on what it is wrong it could potentionlly cause further damage. And get the vet out ASAP. Good luck keep us posted. It might even bee a sprain or a twist.
Hello! So I have never been on this thread before so I hope it is okay I am asking a question...
So my horse has been lame on her left frond leg for almost a week we were going to have the vet out way before this but he was closed. She appeared to be getting a lot better yesterday it was almost back to normal. Today however it is the worse it has been. She is still fairly fine with putting weight on it but does not like moving it, like hear lower nee joint... has anyone had something like this happen before? Please help!

You certainly want the vet to check it as soon as possible. There are many causes of lameness. Some will resolve themselves in time with care, like a sprain or a hoof abbess. But some could get worse and cause serious long term problems for your horse, unless you get it seen to and fixed right away.

Feel the whole leg from the hoof up to the shoulder. Is there any place that feels hot? If the hoof is hot your horse might have founder which needs immediate attention. Do you feel any unusual bumps or swellings? Does your horse react with pain anywhere as you rub the leg? That can help you pinpoint the problem.

If your horse is reluctant to put weight on the foot and you feel no swelling or heat, you might have navicular problems. Again, super important to get vet care on that one right away. That's a bone in the hoof that can get rough as a horse ages, causing intense pain. Need X-rays to check that out.

Good luck with your horse! Hope it is nothing too serious and can be fixed with time, love and cold hosing!!
Thank you! They said she just sprayed something really bad. She is now on pain meds.. Sorry I was having a freak out moment earlier, I normally am calm... Except if my horse is hurt!
Alright, well, one of our horse, Grover, is limping really bad. I think he might have arthritis. I was thinking about giving him MSM supplement. Would this be a good product? And is there a difference in MSM powder and MSM pellets? If so which one should I give him? He limps really bad in a trot and a little in a walk. Are there any other products that I should give him and it is a reasonable price? The vet is coming tomorrow. We really need him to get better by Saturday. We have a horse show and we are planning on riding him. He is between the ages of 18-20. Grover is my sisters horse and she dearly loves him and wants to start riding him ASAP. So if there is anything we could do please tell me! Thanks!

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