How do you heat your coops

Chickens in Canada!
NO Heat, NO Light, NO insulation, NO moisture plenty of ventilation, NO PROBLEMS. Last night temperatures were -13 Celsius not factoring wind chill; less than 3 inch drop to poop board for egg survival; 6 Golden Comet hens over 3 years old; 3 eggs a day regular as below zero temperatures. NO COMPLAINTS FROM SPCA FOR ANIMAL CRUELTY!
I was not aware I was so cruel until reading these post.

I'm with you!! Not in canada, but only about 90 minutes away. no heat here either, no frostbite, no deaths. /shrug.
Chickens in Canada! NO Heat, NO Light, NO insulation, NO moisture plenty of ventilation, NO PROBLEMS. Last night temperatures were -13 Celsius not factoring wind chill; less than 3 inch drop to poop board for egg survival; 6 Golden Comet hens over 3 years old; 3 eggs a day regular as below zero temperatures. NO COMPLAINTS FROM SPCA FOR ANIMAL CRUELTY! I was not aware I was so cruel until reading these post. So your chickens are in the dark all the time? Do they get out of that barn ? Windows on it at all? Sorry but I can not see ,t girls in the dark all winter, I'm assuming your girls are out during the day . I hope they get some light ! .
Just my two cents.
night before last -12f in the coop. girls just fine.
two weeks ago two of the girls didn't want to join the rest of the flock after I cleaned the coop and spent a coupe of nights in a pine tree. I had to throw rocks at them before they finally came down.

Hello. I've learned so much from these posts and appreciate all the different comments.

We live in Maine and tonight the temps will be in the single digits. I love the coop that my husband and I built but it is not insulated (except for the floor) so I've been keeping a close eye on how my four girls are doing. Because they are out of the wind and dry, the answer seems to be fine. I did plug in an infrared light that is near their roost and will have that on tonight -- probably more for my peace of mind than anything else.

Since a foot of snow arrived after Christmas, my hens have no interest in venturing outside, although they go down the ladder a little and then back in. Should I still give them the option of going out? Today I was thinking maybe if I put straw on top of the snow they will venture farther than their ladder...

Anyway, this forum is super helpful to a newbie like me. Happy New Year to All!


PS I made one of the cookie tin water warmers and think it is AWESOME!
Chickens in Canada!
NO Heat, NO Light, NO insulation, NO moisture plenty of ventilation, NO PROBLEMS. Last night temperatures were -13 Celsius not factoring wind chill; less than 3 inch drop to poop board for egg survival; 6 Golden Comet hens over 3 years old; 3 eggs a day regular as below zero temperatures. NO COMPLAINTS FROM SPCA FOR ANIMAL CRUELTY!
I was not aware I was so cruel until reading these post.


I didn't even shut my poop doors all winter last year (we had a mild one). I am going to shut them tonight, but it is the first time ever. Now my neighbor? She claims her tractor is "drafty" so she is running a heat lamp in a tiny chicken tractor for 6 birds. 250 watt bulb no less. LOL. Chickens lived for thousands of years out in the wild and got their own food and shelter. Give them a safe roost, good food and let them be BIRDS. (Has anyone ever seen a wild song bird drop dead in the winter? I haven't. How do they stay alive without heaters and hot oatmeal and extra blankets?)
I do have one 250 watt bulb going in each 8x8 section of the coop. The waterers are near the lights and its more about me not wanting to break up ice vs heating the coop. I do still go out 3x a day to check on the water and collect eggs. The girls wont go out in the deep snow. My DH cleared a path around the coop to the shed and walk out basement. Its been super cold lately (10-20f daytime) but they now choose stay out most of the day wandering the path looking for tidbits and waiting for me to spoil them with treats.
I use the flat panel wall heater and it works awesome. I hooked it up to a thermostat so it comes on at whatever I set it to. I like the flat panel heater because its super efficient and safe. I just added another chicken coop and run to my existing coop and run, and I plan on putting on in there as well.

I just ordered a flat panel heater for my coop just like yours, planning to install it on Friday. I should have done this project earlier but was a little confused with the difference of opinions about heating or not heating the coop. You seem to be doing great, please tell me how it is going so far, and what temperature you have it set. I also ordered a thermostat so I can keep a steady temp at night. Your setting looks lovely, congrats. It sure shows you love your chickies!
I take it you don't have any predators in your neighborhood? Raccoons love open doors at night.

Of course I have predators....big ones, little ones and all sizes in pop door opens into my outdoor run so they can come in and out as they please....the bottom of the run is hardware cloth covered with compost and dirt. Predators haven't found a way in, yet (not even mice or rats to my surprise)....and if they do, the chickens think the rafters are for roosting so the the only one a racoon or bobcat would get get would be the silkie...and as much as I love my chickens, the silkie can go. She's dumber than a box of rocks.

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