How do you heat your coops

Canada -20 last night wind chill -33 Celsius (-40 same on both thermometers) plus I have 2 new squabs hatched late December 2012 all NO PROBLEMS!!!No Heat, No insulation. Temperature inside the coop same as outside.

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I use a 100W red flood light. Live in MT. on the Yellowstone River. I have a small coop w/ only a couple of hens.
There is a 250W heat lamp made for chicken coops which is red also. You can buy it in "Wally Mart" or Tractor Supply or whatever your farm & ranch store is. That much heat would cook my girls but you seem to have a big coop. I just use a clamp lamp set up on the wall of the coop and secured it w/ a nail I bent over the clamp thingy.
-11F here this morning. No heat, uninsulated coops with lots of ventilation.. chickens running around, roosters doing their rooster thang, etc. No frostbite anywhere.. Just sayin..
yeah no heat I get it, but I think it's just comon sence to insulate. Drafty cold coops I believe hasten the life of birds. Like my vet said, if people leave there dogs out in the cold that dog suffers, his bones his health. As with small animals. They may run around in the morning but the cold takes its toll. I choose to treat my birds with compassion, by having a nice clean coop and dry covered pen. Insulated and draft free. With out insulation drafts come in through the boards. I have a vent above my coop so no need for windows opened. We scoop. The poop off the poop boards so no moisture. The pen is totally wrapped ( see my pictures) so no wind , snow or water ever gets in. My responsibility to give the best care to the animal who feeds me !
No heat or insulation in my coop. Chickens, like most birds, come with PERFECT insulation of their own. They do not need, or require any help from us. Build your coop right and you won't have a bunch of gaps all over leading to a drafty coop. But they definently need fresh air, and don't need to be in a plastic wrapped cocoon.
No heat or insulation in my coop.  Chickens, like most birds, come with PERFECT insulation of their own. They do not need, or require any help from us.  Build your coop right and you won't have a bunch of gaps all over leading to a drafty coop. But they definently need fresh air, and don't need to be in a plastic wrapped cocoon. 
nice coop, great for warm climates.... Yeah I know yours is in winter but for me I rather keep mine a bit warmer then open air . And yeah, my girls are out all day and evening in there wrapped pen, with. NO mud , wet cold snow etc. We keep the pen door open to go out if they choose, some do some do not mine go where they want. Looks like your chickens have not ventured out as there is no chicken prints on the pop Door plank. No dry pen to go into ? So there in that chicken house all winter? Your coop is awesome, but for me I would have added widows. Just my opinion.
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Great for warm climates? Coops like that, back in the day, were used up through Maine and Canada. I've seen pictures where they were half buried in snow. As far as the chickens coming out of the coop, they do, IF I clear the ramp and the snow is not too deep. Believe it or not, I have some spoiled birds around here. The coop has plenty of windows, during the day, it's fully lit up in there. I have a coop, not a greenhouse, HA.
Well Jack that is one nice coop, would not mind having it my self. Do you use a tin can heater to keep water from freezing? I see a cord going in. I'm just more comfortable with coops with window over screen, but what ever works for you all that's cool. Everyone has a way they like to keep chickens, I respect your way.

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