How many are breeding for Blue Australorps here in America?

Well, here are my blues at 19 weeks

One Australorp/Orpington mix from my own.

Splash cockerel from a Taylor farms line

Will get better pics. My Easter Eggers are usually too busy photobombing for me to get good pictures of anyone else. I just moved the splash to bachelor's quarters and I'm trying to decide where to put the rest of them. The splash was trying his luck with Goliath, the Orpington mix, and he would not win that fight. Splash is my pride and joy. All of his offspring with black Australorp hens will be blue.
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I am a little confused with the above pics. Neither one is a splash australorp.

This is a splash australorp cockerel. Although his tail is too high for my liking.


This is a splash pullet with a blue pullet that is too light. It is better to breed blue to black to get darker blue with a lacing. Not splash to black to get a blue, however the blue will be lighter.
Tnmommy, I am a little confused with the above pics. Neither one is a splash australorp. This is a splash australorp cockerel. Although his tail is too high for my liking. Kurt T This is a splash pullet with a blue pullet that is too light. It is better to breed blue to black to get darker blue with a lacing. Not splash to black to get a blue, however the blue will be lighter.
Gorgeous birds! Oh my, I love them! I think I will need some blue/splash in my flock :)
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If he's using Orpington, it could look something like this.

Not my bird.

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It takes about 5 years and many generations to get rid of the heavy feathers, way too fluffy butts, and the black hackles on splashes which are not to my liking when you cross Orpingtons with Australorps. Different breeders have different ideas what blue and splash should look like hence the problem of ever having them accepted by the APA.
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Those are Australorp/Orpington mixed breed birds. Following advice of several breeders to get going with plans to breed their offspring back to black Australorps for 5 generations. But I am seriously reconsidering use of 2 of them. They are so big and there is soooo much fluff.
The splash is an Orpington mix. They carry that dark pattern on the neck, it's hard to see his lighter feathers on the body. My blue pullet has gorgeous lacing but she is incredibly fluffy. Am I going to be dealing with that incorrect splash pattern with the Australorps down the line?
Tnmommy, I am a little confused with the above pics. Neither one is a splash australorp. This is a splash australorp cockerel. Although his tail is too high for my liking. Kurt T This is a splash pullet with a blue pullet that is too light. It is better to breed blue to black to get darker blue with a lacing. Not splash to black to get a blue, however the blue will be lighter.
It sure would speed my project along to have some hatching eggs or chicks from your bunch, Kurt.

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